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•5 years later
Izuku's POV:

After 5 years I was 9 years old and during those years I learned how to fend and take care of myself. And the moment I left home I decided I would become a vigilante and go by the name Arash. Everyday I would train my quirk, well not everyday with my quirk thanks to my drawbacks so when I do have my drawbacks I train without my arms by using my legs instead

I've been living in an abandoned train tunnel ever since I got kicked out of my home

I've been living in an abandoned train tunnel ever since I got kicked out of my home

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Luckily for me no one goes down here, I'm not sure why it's pretty cool but it does get very lonely and quiet...

I even made myself my very own vigilante costume! I'm very proud of it and it also covers my mark that is on the back of my hand, for safety reasons of course

I even made myself my very own vigilante costume! I'm very proud of it and it also covers my mark that is on the back of my hand, for safety reasons of course

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Anyways... Life is very peaceful, kinda? I would always go on late night patrols in search of any crime or anything which is practically every night! I'd use my quirk to take care of them and afterwards I would take them to detective Tsukauchi with a little note attached to them saying something like: 'Hey there! Please take care of these here villains/criminals. From Arash'

At first, everyone was sceptical of Arash but later on they all accepted it and try to help out by leaving food and gifts where they were saved by Arash from

It was going very well when I suddenly had a very bad drawback

Izuku is currently chasing down a dangerous villain•

I was jumping from roof to roof, trying to catch up to this very fast and agile villain

They're pretty fast! I can barely catch up to them!

My Little Archer (Vigilante Deku)Where stories live. Discover now