Chapter Four

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Cece was walking home, in the dark. She hated the dark and the streetlights weren't giving her much comfort. A police car rolled up beside her and she stopped. "Hello, walking home from the train wreck of a party?"

Cece nodded, "Yeah, and I drank. I also witnessed the fight. Topper was in the wrong. John B did nothing."

The officer stared at her, "And what about JJ?" Cece stayed silent, "They're all at the station, repeating what you said about the fight, but people said he had a gun." She didn't say a word, "Sweetie, I know it's late but what about JJ?"

"I hooked up with him."


Cece woke up, surprisingly with no headache, but with a text from Sarah:
hey are you okay?? sorry we kinda left you lol
Cece couldn't answer that text. She had seen her cousin almost commit murder and hooked up with someone who she shouldn't have. Cece left Sarah on read and got out of her bed. She stared at her closet for fifteen minutes before picking a pair of shorts off the floor and a shirt off her bed. She walked downstairs into the kitchen, "Where were you last night? You came home at three in the morning, two hours after your curfew." Adora was drinking a glass of orange juice.

"I fell asleep at Sarah's and then she woke me up late," Cece walked over to the fridge serving herself some water.

Adora looked at her, "You wore that two days ago."

"Yeah well, nobody's fucking perfect mom!" Cece slammed the glass on the counter, walking away from her mother.

"Cierra!" Adora calls out, but Cece ignores her. "Cierra, will you please come back!" Cece runs up the stairs back into her room, slamming her door.

Cece looked at the text again.
it's ok lol
But it wasn't okay. Sarah and Topper had left her at the beach. They left her to walk home. She wasn't surprised by Topper doing that, but Sarah was her best friend. Sarah was the one who always made sure they had a buddy-system, 'Nobody left behind'. But last night Sarah wasn't Cece's best friend, she was Topper's girlfriend, which hurt Cece more than it should have. Cece laid on her bed thinking about the party. Thinking about the fight. "Jesus fucking Christ," she whispered to herself.


Sarah and Cece walk down the docks, "I'm really sorry, Topper grabbed my hand and ran off. I tried to grab your hand but I couldn't in time."

"It's fine I promise," Cece lied.

The two saw John B walking passed them Sarah gave him a cheeky smile and he bumped into her on purpose, "Hey! I kept your secret, idiot!"

John B whipped around looking straight at Sarah, "Really? If you did, then why am I fired? Why did your dad know? Huh?! Unlike you, some of us need a job!" John B walks away from the two girls.

"What was that?" Cece looked at Sarah.

Sarah stood there confused, "I don't know." She sighed, "I saw John B steal the scuba equipment we never use and I teased him about it but I didn't tell my dad a thing."

"That's weird." Cece watched as John B walked farther and farther from them.

"Yeah, but whoever told is really shitty. He needed that job," Sarah turned around and started walking again causing Cece to do the same. "Like he's broke now. Hey! Maybe you could get him a job for your boat!"

Cece shakes her head, "Can't, my dad already has like three people working on it."

Sarah sighs, "Hopefully he can get another job."

"Why are you so concerned for him?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying you've kinda were obsessing over him right now."

Sarah scoffs, "No I'm not! No way! I'm dating Topper."

Cece laughs, "Good! Promise you won't cheat on him. He's an asshole, but he's also my cousin."

Sarah sticks out her pinky, interlocking it with Cece's, "Pinky."

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