Chapter three (emily)

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I took a shower and tried to call Ethan but he didn't answer my call , after five minutes he texted me and said he was busy .

I knew the guys from earlier were at the living room so I thought it would be a good idea to greet them .

Once I stepped out of my bedroom 5 pairs of eyes were staring at me .

"Hi" I said while going over to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Logan was the first one who said hi back and then the others followed they were all playing cards over the couch .

"Good news we are playing your boy next week"Nate said while staring at Logan's cards and logan didn't notice because he was very  busy staring at Amelia's cards .

"That's great that means you guys can meet him"

"Yeah we will see how that goes"

Amelia started at me in a kind of questionable way "wish I could make it to the match but I don't think that'll possible , I have to meet up with my mum"her parents were broken up so she was usually spending her weekends at her mothers place .

"Emily you can come with me if you want I have an extra ticket" Hunter said trying to be nice

"Yeah sure I would love that thanks"

Hunter just smiled while staring  deeply into my eyes and not breaking the eyes contact until I did .

Micheal was sitting at the kitchen stool and was texting on his phone . I poured myself some apple juice "you want some?"I asked him trying to be nice

"No it's alright thanks"he said not even glancing at me once

I sat at the stool opposite him "so you play hockey".

"Yes I do ."he answered very quickly ."and what do you do?"he asked while giving me his full attention.

"I study journalism" I proudly informed him

"So you read ?"

"Yes I do, how did you decided to start playing hockey ?"

"It in my genes"

"Good to know"

"And since I can remember myself I've always wanted to play hockey"

"It's good that you follow your dreams"

"Any siblings?"

"I have one brother he's older than me , you any siblings?"

"I have a you youngest sister"

"I knew you were the older child"

"Is that a compliment or an insult?"he asked looking down on me and smiling

"You choose , don't wanna ruin your ego"I said while laughing

"Fair enough I'll take it as a compliment"

"Of course"

"Hey Micheal what's the name of the girl who slept over last night" Logan asked and thank god he did because I completely forgot that he was the guy they were talking about before he arrived at the coffee shop . That's disgusting .

I looked at him in disgust but I didn't move I didn't want to make things awkward for no reason .

But what made everything worse was his answer " I don't remember but I think her name started with R not sure though"

My judgmental look never left my face because micheal turned to look at me an said "what ? I'm not looking for anything serious neither did she"

In that moment I found myself getting disappointed that he wasn't looking for anything serious but then I remember that I still have a boyfriend who's probably mad at me and I should probably text him to make sure he's alright .

Just when I was about to text him I saw that his best friend Dylan posted a Snapchat story and when I opened it I couldn't believe what I was seeing . It was Ethan but not just Ethan it was Ethan kissing a girl while there was another girl over his lap .

My face expression must have spoke for myself because Micheal asked if I was alright but I couldn't answer I just stood up and went to my room .

How could he do this to me , if he didn't want to be with me he should have just talked to me you know because that's what couples do .

I took a screenshot of the story and I sent it to him .

After a minute or something I heard a knock on my door . "What?"

"Can I come in?"that was Michaels voice


But he came in anyways

"Why did you ask if you were going to come in no matter what I said?"

"I was trying to be a gentleman because someone else is not , what happened ?"

"Ethan happened"

"What did he do?"he asked while he sat right next to me by the bed

"He is an asshole that's what he did , he told me he was busy an Athenian he was screwing other girls"

"Jeez I want expecting that I'm sorry to hear that but he sounds like a jerk so he doesn't deserve any of your tears" he said while removing a tear from my cheek that I didn't know I had

He was staring down at me with his blue eyes that I couldn't resist and I kissed him and he kissed me back but that was wrong .

I pulled back "I'm so sorry I didn't mean to do that I'm just I don't know confused" I said while standing up .

"Yeah whatever"he said while he stood up as well and went to the living room with the others .

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