Chapter eight (Michael)

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After the mall I went home took a shower and headed over my teammates place Thomas because he was having a party .

"Michael how you doing mate " Thomas said while he shook my hand

"Great I'm doing great" I'm sure he was already wasted .

After Thomas greeted me I got a glimpse of Logan sitting by himself and texting on his phone .


I was sitting with Logan at this point and Amelia joined us .

"Where is Emily?"Logan asked while looking around probably searching for her .

I left things a little awkward between us at the mall I don't know why I did that I just don't want her to get her hopes up about something that I can't do because first of all I've never had a girlfriend and that's by choice and second of all I don't want to have the same kind of relationship my father and mother share .

"Ethan came by and they started talking and I think they're getting back together In not sure though" I kept staring at her like she grew a third eye .

"They're getting back together?" I angrily asked while not being able to control my anger or jealousy.

"Yeah don't ask me why because I certainly don't know , that guy is an asshole"

She was getting back with her boyfriend perfect . That thought made it possible for me to make out with the first girl that started flirting with me out of the blue her name was Anna and I couldn't resist she was good looking .

She was fine , more than fine she was tall , blonde with blue eyes . She was perfect .

When we finally got to the bathroom I couldn't do it because yes she was perfect but she wasn't as perfect as Emily .

While she was kissing my neck I slightly pushed her away from me .

"What ?"

"I don't think we should do anything I sorry"

"Okay what's her name ?"

"What ?"

"They girl you're thinking about what's her name?"


"Why don't you just tell her how you feel about her ?"

"Its complicated"


"Because she is getting back with her ex boyfriend who he by the way cheated on her"

"Jeez is that girl okay in here"she asked while pointing at her brain.

I didn't answer we just got out of the bathroom

"Thank you"

"Anytime"Anna said while giving me a kiss on my cheek and headed towards her friends .

Just when I turned around I saw Emily standing there . "Did you have fun ?" She asked while smiling up at me , I'm ninety-nine point nine precent sure that she thought I had sex with Anna but I want gonna tell her the truth .

"Yes indeed I had a lot of fun , you ? I heard Ethan came by"

"Oh yeah he did came by"

"And what did you guys talked about" I asked while we were both now sitting at the couch

"He told me about his feelings towards me"

"Did you got back together with him ?"

"What ? He cheated on me do you think I'm that dumb?"

"No no obviously no I was just wondering" well shit I just kind of said I has sex with Someone else even though I didn't just because I thought she got back with Ethan when she certainly did not .

The moral of the story is to never trust Amelia again ever in my life .

"Good , you know I didn't do anything with that girl"

"Sure you didn't" she said while smirking at me

"No really I didn't"

"You don't have to lie to me Michael we are friends" well now I'm fucked . Did I just got friend zoned? What is going on ? And why is Logan just sat next to Emily and whispered something in her  ear that made her laugh?

Was I just third wheeling the girl I like and my best friend ? Jesus , what is going on ?

Amelia started approaching us "guys I have a great idea"

We were all staring at her waiting to hear her "great idea"

"Do you guys wanna go to beach?"

"What like right now?" Emily curiously asked

"Yeah right now"

"Sure" Emily said while looking at Logan and then me waiting for our respond.

"Sure" me and Logan said at the same time .

"Come on let's go" Amelia said while heading for the door .

The beach was ten minutes walk from Thomas place .

When we finally reached the beach Emily and Amelia were the first ones who took there clothes off  .

Emily was wearing a very sexy red lingerie set  , I didn't notice what Amelia was wearing because Emily was too sexy that I couldn't take my eyes of off her .

After the girls took there clothes off I took off mine too and I was just now in my black Calvin Klein boxers .

Logan was wearing his grey Calvin Klein.

We all got into the ocean the water was so cold it felt like we were swimming into a pool filled with ice .

I knew Emily was cold too because I could see from her bra that her nipples were hard at first I thought I was the only one who noticed but then a catches Logan staring at her breast too . Nice .

I never wanted to punch my best friend more than I do right now . But I gotta keep it together because he's my friend .

"When did you guys lost your virginity?" Amelia asked while we were trying get warmer .

"When I was fifteen" Logan instantly answered

"You ?" Amelia directly asked me


"And you ?" Logan was the one who asked Emily

"A year ago" she said while smiling awkwardly

"It's a good thing you waited for the right person" Amelia said while we were all having a weird look on our faces because we all know for sure Ethan wasn't the right person .

"What ? Didn't you guys get back together?" Amelia asked Emily

"Of course no"

"Wait really ?"Emily nodded in response

"Omg you have no idea how happy you just made me  ,omg that's great , he's an asshole"

"Then why did you say he was the right person?" Logan asked Amelia

"I was just trying to be a supportive friend that's all"

Amelia leaned closer to my ear and whispered "So never mind they didn't get back together"  .

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