Chapter nine (emily)

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When we got out of the beach we sat by the bonfire.Logan sat next to me and he was kind of playing with my hair while Michael was right in front of me giving me and Logan a weird look .

"You wanna come with me and change" Amelia asked pointing out the fact that we were both soaking wet and we had to change.

"Yes totally"I said while we both stood up and headed over the toilets .

I changed into a white top with no bra on because mine was wet and I didn't want to get my T-shirt wet .

I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and when I opened the door Amelia was already waiting for me .

"Ready?"she asked and I nodded so we were now on a our way back to the guys .

When we were finally at the bonfire I could feel michaels eyes on me the entire time that was why I found myself constantly staring right back into his eyes and keeping the eye contact for more than thirty seconds each time before I would pay attention to Amelia and Logan .

"Did you tell them about the interviews ?"amelia asked me

"What interviews?"Michael and Logan asked at the exact same time

"Whoever wins on Friday I'll have to take their interview"

"So you'll take our interviews"Logan confidently said

"I hope so yes , can you imagine how awkward it will be if I take Ethans interview?"

"Yeah it'll be terrible" Amelia agreed while laying down on the sand  and then Logan followed .

"Do you wanna go for a walk ?"michael was the first one who broke the silence between us this time .

"Yeah sure"

He helped me get up and we started walking we started talking about the match when he said "Logan's not good for you"

"What do you mean ?"

"I know the way you look at him and the way he acts , I know him it won't last for long he'll hurt your feeling too"

"I don't like Logan he's just a friend"

"Yeah sure"he said acting like he didn't believe me . "Just make sure he doesn't hurt you emotionally"

"Okay"I said while holding my words before I say something that I can't say like that he is the one that I like that he is the one that I wanna get hurt by , that right now I feel like he is the one for me but he certainly doesn't feel the same .

We were staring at each other while we were walking and everything felt like it was on a slow motion god he is so handsome it hurts his face is so perfect that makes it impossible for me to look away.

We both stopped walking at the same time and our eyes were locked together while we could hear the waves and could feel the water hitting our legs .

That was the moment I felt it that was the moment he was going to kiss me so I started leaning forward in order for out lips to touch , when he started leaning forward as well I could feel all of the butterflies that people talk about when the talk about love .

With Ethan I've never felt this butterflies on the same level as I do right now , when our lips were inches away from each other and I felt like I was going to explode we got interrupted by Logan and Amelia .

"Guys"Logan and Amelia said at the same time

We both took steps away from each other before answering."yes?"Michael asked while he was curiously staring at his friend .

"Jack is going crazy he found out about Jackson and his sister" Amelias worried voice said .

"Shit"me and Michael said at the same time .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2023 ⏰

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