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I parked my car next to Beth's red mustang. We got out of the car and walked in. "One Mocha Frape Grande," I said at the front of the line,"for Harry Potter." I heard a squeal and turned to see Beth and Skylar sitting at a table. "Hey guys," I said and walked over and sat next to the two empty seats. Their cups read Percy Jackson for Skylar and Ron Weasley for Beth. "Skylar what happened with the Harry Potter Theme?" I asked. "Percy Jackson happened," Skylar said. I rolled my eyes. We sat in silence till we heard Bianca order. "Coffee Black like my soul for Snape," Bianca ordered as the cashier looked a little frightened. We all laughed ad the cashier called out," Harry Potter and Snape." Bianca and I walked to the counter paid and walked back to the table sipping our drinks. "I call this meeting to order,"I said. "My parents agreed for me to take 3 friends to Arkansas to visit my uncle and aunt in their house in the woods," I said smiling. "Are we going?" Skylar asked confused. "No duh, Sherlock," Beth said as she slapped Skylar's head. "I'm just slow sometimes," Skylar said," and stop saying that." "Ok," we all agreed.

 Yes, so Skylar is slow and not the brightest crayon in the box and yes we do get in fights but true friends are always there. A long time ago she was being rude but we became friends after a few,"I'm sorry's." And we were both being stupid so hey It's natural.

I heard the bell ring and saw Ben walk in.He orders his coffee and walks over to our table. "Hey sunshine, darkness, nature, and sky," Ben greeted. "Hiya," Skylar said blushing a little. What? It's probably nothing. "Hey Ben," I said. "Jerky," Beth said glaring and Bianca just gave a small wave. "What's wrong it's just Ben and he's my friend so deal with it," I told Beth. "Is this seat taken?" Ben asked, pointing to the seat in between Skylar and me. "No, not at all," Skylar said blushing. Why is she blushing? Why do I care? Ben is just a friend right? Or is he more? No, just a friend a friendly friend. My best guy friend. Stop thinking Danny. I feel the palms of my hands are sweaty. Ben looks at me," You ok Danny? You seem nervous." Do I look that bad? "I'm fine just worried about our trip to Little Rock, Arkansas," I replied which is half true at least. "No way, I'm going to Little Rock Next week to visit my sis, she lives in the woods which are so peace and have the nicest neighbor. An old couple who's three children have moved out and they live in a giant house," Ben said. "No way, I think those are my Aunt and uncle. Do they have three poodles, Pierre, Mercedes, and Jude?" I asked."Yea, I guess I will see you four next week," Ben said grinning. "Oh just great," Beth said and frowned. "They have poodles?" Bianca asked. I nodded and showed her a picture. Everyone awed. "Pierre is the one with gray fur, he's old, Mercedes is the black, she is the only girl, and Jude is a the white one, he is their puppy," I say pointing out. "I better get going, Bye see you girls next week," Ben said and he left for his grey truck. Once Ben left Skylar said,"He's so smart and cute, I might ask him out this week." I spit out my coffee on the table,"What? I'm sorry but you barely know him when's his birthday?" I asked still in shock. "July 12," Skylar says,"Danny I don't need you to Protect me any more I might be the youngest but you aren't the boss of me." "I know but-" I said. "She's got a point there, Danny," Beth said. "Ok I'm sorry do what you want," I say sadly. It's his choice not mine. "See you guys on Sunday at my House at 7am," I said and Bianca and I Exited to my car. We got in a I drove her to her house and then I went Home. I took a Shower, changed clothes, and crawled in bed. I have a long tomorrow I have to pack and then I go roller skating with Ben and Beth. Oh brother! I have to make them friends by Sunday. Tomorrow will be a long day.

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