Summer doesn't rest

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It was the last week of June and Bianca had big news. We were all meeting at my house to discuss it. I sat down on my couch petting Batman and having Baymax in my lap. Without even knocking all the girls barge in.
"We are here! Be happy!" Bath says and they all jump down on the couch.
"We need to work on our entrance," Skylar says and we all nod.
"Time for news," Bianca says and we all are on the edge of our seats.
"My dad is taking a business trip next week and we have 3 extra tickets. You would have to pay for souvenirs and anything extra but we can cover the rest," she says and beams. Since Bianca is an only child she gets a lot and this is amazing.
"Where exactly?" Skylar asks and Beth elbows her.
"It's fine Orlando, Florida!" She says and we squeal.
"Disney, Orlando's Resort, Wizarding World, and Beaches. Yes please!" We all say in unison. I run in and tell my mom.
"For free?" She ask and I nod. I run back to them and we are all jumping up and down. This is going to be the 10 days of our life.
"Do you know what that means?" Beth says," We get to spend July fourth in Florida."
"This is amazing," I say and we all have a group hug. They stay a little bit longer and we just talk about it. I run upstairs and pull out my city name suitcase and sort though my clothes. Even though it's a week away I couldn't wait any longer to pack. This is going to be epic!

The first of July I wake up at 3:30 to get ready and board the flight that takes off at 6:00. I pull out a simple tee that says First I need coffee and light denim high waisted shorts. Looking around I find my most comfortable shoes which are my light brown lace up boots. I pack all the bags I want and then fill my Mickey Mouse backpack with stuff to entertain me on the plane ride. For finally accessories I wear an airplane necklace, an airplane phone case, and my aviator sunglasses. I braid a section of my hair and put it in a ponytail and put on makeup.
"I'm set," I say to myself and bring all my stuff down. I walk out to the front and pile my stuff in their mini van.
"Yay Danny!" Bianca says and I sit down. She hands me a cup of coffee and I smile.
"Thank you I'm so tired," I say and yawn. Skylar is sleeping in the backseat, she's wearing a pink shirt, jean shorts, and a bunch of accessories that look like princess stuff. Next we get Beth and she's wearing a cloud barfing rainbow shirt and jean shorts.
"Let's go get on a plane!" Beth says and startles Skylar.

Waiting for the plane is forever so Bianca mom gives us money to get breakfast.
"I'm so tired!" Skylar complains as we look around.
"So true," Beth groans. I was in agreement with them. We all started to doze off waiting in the uncomfortable airplane waiting seats.
"Now boarding flight 570," the announcer says.
"That's us,"Bianca groans and we all snap awake. I sit next to Beth with Bianca and Skylar behind us.We all crowd around the window closest to us and wait till take off.
"Chill it takes a while," Bianca says and lays back down.
"It's my first plane ride so I'm just excited," Beth says and smiles. Beth pulls out her IPad and sets up Netflix for us. We put on earbuds and then she selects a movie.
"This is the perfect way to spend a plane ride," I say and she nods in agreement.

"The plane will be landing in a few minutes," the flight attendant says over the system. I finish the last of my soda and then pack up my carry on bag.
"This was the best!" Beth says.
"We finally finished that episode of Once Upon A Time," I say and she smiles.
Once we land we all file off and then meet at the luggage center.
"This is going to take a while," Skylar groans and we look for our suitcases.
Beth and Bianca were regular suitcases so they were harder to spot. I almost immediately find my suitcase.
"Being unique pays off," I tell them and they roll their eyes and we burst out laughing. My phone pings and I check my text-Ben-I need to tell you something
All the girls crowd around my phone and squeal.
"He's going to ask you out!" Beth says.
"Yea right," I say and they go and get their stuff, "I don't even like him like that."
I text back, Sure. He replies,Ben-Could you watch my dogs I'm going out of town?
I frown and bite my cheek. "Did he? Did he?" Skylar asks eagerly.
"He wants me to dog sit," I say and roll my eyes as I text back no.
"He probably chickened out. You two are perfect for each other," Bianca says as we walk out to the rental car with her parents.
"We are only 16 we have the whole life ahead of us. Maybe perfect for high school but not the rest of our life or even college," I say and groan.
"Don't think about the future, relax. We have two more years of high school till we graduate. Junior year and senior year," Beth reminds as we climb in the big rental van.
"Where's our hotel?" I ask not brig "The Dolphin and Swan Resort in Disney World. But we are staying in the Dolphin one specially. Mom and Dad didn't want to stay in a regular hotel.
"We got two rooms one for us and then one for you four," Bianca's mom informs. We drive into Disney World park and then towards the Dolphin and Swan Resort. Once we walk into the Dolphin building resort we are greeted and we go to get our room numbers and Magic bracelet. Mr. Hernandez (Bianca's dad) gives us our magic brands and since he ordered them it has our name on it and our favorite color. Beth's is green, Skylar's is pink, Bianca's is red, and mine was blue. Bianca's Bianca, Beth, Skylar, and I run up to our floor and locate our room.
"Unlock it!" Skylar squeals and we swipe our magic bands and the door opens. We run in, the room's colors are a light orange and it has two beds, a couch, a table, a TV, and a desk.
"Woah," we all say in unison.
"Mom and Dad sprang for the upgrade," Bianca says and whistles. We all look around and Skylar squeals.
"It has a walk-in closet!" She says and we all look at it. We start to unpack our stuff while still looking. Our windows have a perfect view of the swan resort.
"This is epic," I say and lay down on the bed I'm sharing with Beth.
"This week is going to be action packed!" Beth says and lays down on the couch. My phone pings but I ignore it, Ben's stupid excuse for a question won't ruin this.

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