World War III. _Not_So_Weak_A_World_ - Part I

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A/N: Ladies and Gentlemen. I have returned.




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W-Well fuck you too...

But seriously, I uh, don't know if you guys know this, but I have to go through each finished chapter like five times before I end up publishing. That's five run-throughs of 70k+ words. If someone can make a semi-competent reaction fic without such a repetitive proofread process, I honestly have to hand it to them, but that's not just in the cards for me. I'm not a perfectionist, but for a reaction fic as important as this anime, where the main premise is a normal boy triumphing over gods and monsters, I want to make the reactions as close to perfect as possible, hence the many MANY times I go through it and make changes. Yes, it's slow, and yes, sometimes that's just burning out on a particular part or POV, but this is a novel. I don't want to complain, but it's hard to make reactions to the pacing of a 300-page novel. Also, I really need to pace myself for reactions. Doing this story, I kinda know what translators feel like when their dishing out English content from original source material. The publisher can tell themselves all they want that they'll gulp down an energy drink and translate a few volumes in the span of five hours, or I can lie to your guys' face and say I'll do a Toaru chapter a day, but at a certain point, I just really lose myself in the characters. And that's not a good thing. I literally get lost in what to write about. One moment, Lessar's giggling like the perverted girl she is, and next thing I know, I'm talking about the duality of man and how society is segregated by the face we show others and the image we see our self as. If that made zero sense to you, then that's how I feel when I try to crank out a three-hour writing session for this fic. It's just not doable. I do a part (novel part) a day. It's usually enough for me to create a worthwhile scene amidst the dozens of clichés and average reactions.

Oh, and this isn't me saying this so you guys will stop being pushy in the comments section, 'cause I really don't mind that. I'd do the same thing if someone made a reaction fic of my favorite anime. But... you get it now right? This isn't just a 6k word chapter I can dish out weekly like other people do.

In other news, I'm also in debt to the mob, so I'm going off the grid for a few months.


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Okay, that was a joke, but it wasn't funny.

Seriously though, I just realized something, and took me close to five years. Isn't, haha, what I'm doing, like, mega illegal? I'm taking a story someone got paid to publish, twisting around the words for my benefit, writing reactions based on my biased as hell interpretations of the events, and finally, the most illegal, I'm copy and pasting novels that don't even show up on the main site anymore. Yeah, the index arc? Angel Fall? Radio Noise? All of those Old Testament arcs don't appear on Baka Tsuki anymore, not the linked versions anyway. I'm basically laundering this story to people for free, which, arguably, isn't much different from what those anime and manga sites do, but still, I'm providing content that most people assumed was no longer available to get (and by that I mean people assume you can't get the old testament novels on BakaTsuki, when in actuality you can if you have access to an archived page).

The point I'm trying to make is that (a) I'm going to hell (b) I fully admit to my wrong doings and (c) if any person who has the power to fuck up my fanfiction account is reading this... lay it on me. I won't even fight back. It you decide to pursue legal action, I won't argue.

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