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Eleven years back, Jacklyn leaned on a counter and not on the wall of a fucking cell. Within hours, she had moved from Beverly Hills to the prison lows. How bad can it get?

She took a deep breath as she recounted memories of her husband and marriage. When did they meet— It was the summer of that year. Jacklyn was leaning towards the bar counter, sipping her whiskey when Antonio showed up, he had been younger, hotter and more youthful than he was years later. Only he tripled the bargain.

"Hey, I'm Antonio." he said, flashing his zillion watt smile that brought ladies and gentlemen to his knees but her.

Jacklyn played dumb, drinking to forget her sorrows, pain and anger from the fight they have. She's done, wanting her father's attention. Wanting him to treat her mother better. Wanting him to acknowledge his own son. But he wanted to get a brand new family to start all over again.

"Lyn, stay." her brother's voice begged her all over again. Ticking at the back of her head until she understood what she did. She burnt that bridge for good. Robert was not her father. She never had one. And she never will.

"You are?" Antonio pressed on, with the champagne flute in his hand. His ring glowing, his dark silk shirt, revealing promises to come if she said her name.

"Excuse me." she said, standing to her feet with the help of his hand and she pushed him away, tumbling down, and he caught her again.

He chuckled at her pathetic attempt, passing his card to bartender. Her eyes narrowed him down as he asked for her room number, she thought about and shook her head in response.

"No?" he asked, with a hint of humor. "I don't bite." he nodded to a table far way. And her eyes spotted his twin brothers with other women. Five models. All seven watching their friendly interaction.

"Let me go." she demanded but he held on, before letting her go to prove a point. He had no intention of forcing her against her will. But she didn't care either, she wanted to nothing more than to be alone. Her heart pierced at her wish.

"Do you want to talk?" he offered, his gaze turned into something concerned and doubtful.

Jacklyn moved away from him and took a deep breath to clear her thoughts. She was drunk, alone and . . . Company won't be bad. She didn't answer him but slid back into her stool. "Do you want to come over?"

He studied her for minute before he nodded his head. "You don't have to ask me twice."

She smiled at him and stared on the gloss black counter, wondering if it was the right choice. Allowing a man near her again.

"Ah, you're back so soon. What will you have again?" she heard the bartender asked.

"Lemon on ice for two." Antonio said, raising two fingers in the air. She lifted her head to his, and noticed the wink he threw at her.

"We can't add to the nasty hangover brewing already." he said, when the bartender slid two tumblers to their front.

"Thank you." she mustered an attempt for something more civil with him.

"Thank you, too. For making me look like a jackass in front of a fine young lady who sat by herself alone in this side of LA. Not my favorite California night." he chuckled softly, his voice rattled deep with it.

"Who says I'm single?" she raised the glass to her lips for a sip. And drank without wincing. She turned her attention back to him.

He stared at her hand that rimmed the edge of her glass. "I don't see a ring on that finger."

"What are you, a cop?"

"What do you think I am? A rich boy who appreciates taking designer raincoat, chasing criminals in sweat and grime?"

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