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Antonio Romero had Rider Matte anxious about everything even in death as he took his car down to Chinatown.

"I can't."

He was about to deal with mean individuals. Even though, he hadn't told his sister or even the detective was a big issue. He had gotten a few people who claimed the Romero extended family—the Mancini were associated with the mafia. They were the guardians of the cargos supplied Africa and elsewhere striving off the guerilla warfare in those parts of the world. But he hadn't been able to get evidence or a living witness since they had disappeared and the last Intel provided, showed that the head of the family hasn't been found or seen since an incident of six months back.

He hit his steering wheel, he was gone round and ended with a dead-end, his sister was involved with this family. She m—they said she killed her husband. He knew that she won't do that eleven years back, but up til now he didn't know or recognize the darkness in her. She had gotten more beautiful, elegant but she seemed distant and so disconnected from herself. He doubted she was his sister.

The pain and stench of guiltiness hit him hard in the chest that he had to park over. She was right, he abandoned her even when they promised to with each other through hell and back. But when he saw his father come back different he had decided to forgive him, his biggest fear in life was regretting the past. Yet, now he did.

His eyes settled on the manilla folder on the passenger seat beside and rubbed his eyes before he picked up. To see a key to knowing what really happened that night. Someone who could provide a clue whether she knew it or not. His eyes scrolled down, searching rapidly on a relevant thing past her age of twenty-five and he found it. Her address and she was living—Chinatown.

The first shower of luck for him for the first time in months. She lived a few blocks east from his home. With that known, he wondered how many of Lyn's enemies had gotten hold of the poor girl's file.

There was nothing he could do until she took his help and he would have to deliver it to her doorstep. He warmed up his engine and drove away to the residence of one, Miss Jane Wang.

When he reached, pulled the car into the nearest lot and dropped down from the vehicle, and he walked to the apartment building.

He brought out his business card from his wallet before he looked up at the building, ready to make his entry. He heaved a sigh, wondering if she would be willing to help him but he needed her. He had to trust his guts, they were one thing that had very failed him. Like he knew that dickhead was full of crap when he met him with his sister.

It didn't take much to think about when he probably offended someone he shouldn't have and that was if his sister wasn't the killer. But she had to confess or confide in him, yet she didn't—why?

He walked up into the building without any one there to stop him. He move up on the stairs, checking for the right apartment when he stopped on the one, same as the file. He was about to knock when he hesitated because if he scared the poor girl then there was no going back. And he would be back to square one with no leads and his sister on a countdown to be sent to prison to await her case trial.

But he had no choice to begin with, he knocked on the door twice and waited for the voices over the door to answer him. When the door opened and he saw a black haired chinese woman who eyed as if with contempt.

"Hi." he gave her his best smile and extended his hand but his smile almost faltered as she refused to take it as he returned to his side. "I'm looking for Jane. I'm a friend of hers."

The middle aged woman didn't act like she was impressed by a thing he said when she turned to the inside of the apartment, and started yelling out in mandarin as he was a threat and didn't like him one bit. He could only hope she wasn't painting him black with insults as she made him sound and feel like a idiot in less than one minute of meeting her.

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