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Third person pov:

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Third person pov:

Most of the eggs ended up breaking due to the two groups bumping into eachother.

"Oooof" Deuce yelped out.

"The eggs!" Grim pointed at the grocery bag as he realised that the eggs were damaged.

"Shoot!" Spade worriedly checked the eggs and surely enough, most of them were faced with the fate of getting cracked but not in a frying pan. "Half of the eggs got destroyed! There's egg all over!"

"HEY! Why don't you prats look where your going!" The young child yelled out at the two people who bumped into them.

"You've got guts talking to me like that pipsqueak- hey wait! Your the punks that broke the egg in my carbonara!" The silver haired student shouted.

The other chimed in, "It's you again! You guys can't get a break can you?" He said with a taunting smile.

"Be glad this isn't a dodgeball tournament or I would've aimed the ball right at your face. Forget it getting damaged, you wouldn't even have a face." [Y/N] muttered out loud enough for Grim to hear who looked scared for his life.

"Ugh- you were the ones that jumped out of the corner..!" Deuce retorted."at lunchtime you could've still eaten the egg yet you still picked up a fight!" He added.

"Yeah! As seniors you guys are way more immature than any kid I've ever met! Picking a fight over an egg that was still edible! Atleast fight when people ACTUALLY destroy your food or eat it!" The girl said.


"HAAAH?! I'm not gonna get lectured by a kid that doesn't even have magic!" the silver bully replied annoyingly.

"HEY! THAT'S COMPLETELY POINTLESS! This arguement is about the eggs! You just broke half of our eggs!" Deuce said bringing the topic back to the broken eggs.

"Yeah! That's right! Don't you go after my henchman! Ya better pay back!" Grim defended the kid.

"So you're saying this is our fault?!" The pricks argued.

"No! It's the fault of physics- or gravity- or is it air pressure?" The kid interjected.


The blueberry head gave a heavy sigh and requested calmly,
"Please pay for the eggs and apologize to the chickens too."

"Apologize to the chickens?!" The cat and child whisper-yelled.

"Hmmm? Heh. You're getting all worked up over eggs?" The annoying red head , no not Ace, asked.

"They didn't even hit the ground! They're still preserved to eat! You should be thanking us for saving you the effort of cracking them. Hahaha!" The other delinquent laughed.

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