Prologue+ ||Chapter one: Shinobu Kocho||

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Just for this chapters backstory I wont be using underlines, but in all my other ones with backstories. I will. 

Once upon a time, in a far, far away land. A prince lived in a shining castle. this princes name was; Giyuu Tomioka, although he had all the servants, possessions and everything a person could want. He had no love in his heart. 

His servants noticed that he became distant after his sister, Tsutako died. One cold, winter night. Giyuu heard a knock on the large castle doors. A old blind, sick looking man with purple scars all over his face, came knocking at his door. "What do you want, im not buying any of your shit." Giyuu said bitterly. "Im terribly sorry, but may I stay here for the night, you see. My home was struck by the storm tonight. And I have no where to go." The man with scars explained to the prince.

 "Tsk, We dont house sickly people here, I already lost one person from a sickness. We cant have people like you roaming around here." As soon as Giyuu was about to shut the door on his face, he murmured something. "Do not be fooled by appearances, there is beauty to be found within all things."  'Crazy old man."  Giyuu thought to himself bitterly. 

But In a flash, the mans scars healed, along with his blindness.  And a bright light surrounded him. The man spoke. "My name is Kagaya Ubuyashiki. As punishment for your selfishness, I will turn you into a horrible beast!"  Another flash occurred as Giyuu watched his skin turn gray, his body grow, the tips of his hair turned blue, along his skin there were a pattern of some sort, maybe waves? 

He was too shaken to say anything, so Kagaya continued. "Along with you, Your servants will be stuck in this castle, which will be turned into a dark fortress." Before Kagaya left, he gave the prince two "gifts." A mirror, which allowed him to see the outside world, specifically the village near by. and a singular Wisteria flower, trapped inside a bell jar.

 Giyuu examined it before squeaking out. "W-What am I meant to do with this...?" Kagaya smiled and then answered him "Protect that Wisteria flower, it will only last until your 21st birthday, within that time, you will have to find a maiden younger than you, she must love you, and you must love her. If you earn her love before the last petal falls, then the curse will be lifted.."

 Giyuu still shaken by his transformation, asked "What if I don't find love within that time period?" Kagaya answered again. " If you fail, you will remain a beast forever! Your servants will be trapped forever, and your castle will remain an ugly fortress too!"  Those were the last words of the man before he disappeared. From pure shock alone, Giyuu passed out, the last things he could hear was the confusion, concern and shock of the residents of the castle. 

Start of Chapter one, Shinobu Kocho.  ( btw Giyuu is 20) 

A few years passed. Once day in a village not far from the castle, a 18 year old Girl, Shinobu Kocho was crossing town square. She was reading a book about Wisteria, hoping to finish it so she can read a new book about butterfly's, she was heading to the library. 

But was stopped by The talk of the town, the "handsome" but narcissistic, Douma. "Hm, hello beautiful." Douma said with a creepy smile. a vein popped out of Shinobus head. "Not this bitch again!! Why cant he get the hint?"  Shinobu sighed. "Hello, Douma. 💢" Shinobu said passive aggressively.

 "I love you almost as much as I love myself, why dont you say we go on a date this Friday?" Douma gave her another creepy smile. "Uh, I-" Douma cut her off. "Or if you really can't resist me, marry me!" Shinobu was about run away before she heard an angered voice behind her. 

"I OBJECT!! THIS IS BULLSHIT!!!!" It was Shinobus older sister, Kanae, running toward Douma with a stick in her hand. She threw the stick at Doumas face like a Javelin. Before tackling him to the floor. Shinobu smiled innocently, before hearing another voice behind her.

  "I ALSO OBJECT!!" It was Shinobus little sister, Aoi. With a handful of rocks consistently throwing them at Douma, while her other hand was flipping him off. before also joining her older sister with beating him up. Then, Kanao, another one of Shinobus sisters, slowly walked beside her. Shinobu smiled at kanao. Kanao flipped her coin. Heads.

 "Sorry Douma, i guess i won't be helping you today." Kanao murmured to herself. the fight was 20 minutes long. Before it took 10 people to knock Kanae and Aoi off of Douma.

A few hours later.

the Kocho were sitting around their dinner table, before Kanae spoke up. "girls, I have good news!" 

"You and Sanemi-San are getting Married!" Aoi cut her off ecstatically. Kanae crossed her arms, "What, No! Im going out of town, and you girls need to tell me what your want as souvenirs." Surprisingly, Kanao was the first one to speak. "I-I would like a new bow for my hair, this one is falling apart." 

Kanae smiled at her before saying. "Im sure I'll be able to find a new one for you, Kanao!" Aoi was the next one to ask for something. "hm, I have to beat up that dickwad, Douma a lot. I could use a new outfit, this one has multiple patches." Kanae thought for a second. "Expensive taste, Aoi, but I'll be honest, you really do need a new outfit, so sure!" The three of them looked at Shinobu, since she was the last one to ask for something. 

"The forests wisteria supply is dying, and I need to make things with it, I just need one to grow. Thats all I ask." Shinobu said while looking down. "Hm, I'll try to look for some, okay Shinobu!" "Nee-San, when do you leave?" Aoi asked. "Oh! I leave tomorrow, dont miss me too Much, ill only be gone for 3 days!!" Kanae said lively. Before looking at the moon, "Oh dear! We should be getting to bed, hurry up!!" 

The next day

 "You girls be safe, okay?" Kanae said to her little sisters. They all nodded. "Oh! dont forget to eat, keep our garden healthy, make time for yourself, Make some money! And keep that Creep away from Shinobu for me, okay?"

 "yes yes, we get it Nee-san, Your only going to be gone for 3 days, not a month!" Aoi said tiredly. Kanae chuckled. "Is it such a problem that I can be worried for you three?" "Nee-san, you better hurry up, you dont want to keep the carriage driver waiting, do you?" Shinobu said while directing Kanae in the direction of carriage.

 "Ah, you're right, Goodbye you three, and dont cause any mischief!!!" Kanae said while running to the carriage. "Well, we better get back home." Shinobu said while Kanao nodded.

Well, thats it for the first chapter, sorry it took so Damn long to come out. But I wanted to give the Bimbettes (which would be Kanae, Aoi and Kanao) from the original movie more of a role, and belles dad...well, none. Im hoping to update every two weeks or so, and i hope i can make the chapters longer cause this one was fucking short. 

//Beauty and the Beast// 💙Giyushino version💜Where stories live. Discover now