Aliens and arachnids

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We see the group as they were seen in the nurse's office with Ashton holding his hand that the spider bit

Ashton: I hope it wasn't poisonous because I'm too handsome to die!

Nurse: You'll be fine, it's just a normal spider bite

Ashton: But the spider itself was red and blue.

Nurse: Well if you happen to show any kind of symptoms let me know, for now I suggest you not use that hand for a while

Ashton: Alright.

The nurse gives Ashton a sucker and lets Ashton leave as we see the others were outside the room waiting for him.

Dimitri: So?

Ashton: The nurse said to let my hand rest and thankfully I'm not gonna die. But I want to take a closer look at the spider

Dimitri: I thought you might say that so I took the fella before we went here.

Dimitri held up a jar which contained the spider as Ashton takes it as the spider glitches

Ashton: This isn't a normal spider.

Dimitri: You're right, a spider wouldn't just be glitching.

Zelda: Glitching?

Dimitri: It's a term in video games where something that shouldn't happen happens. Either by an error in the program or by manipulation.

Urbosa: Where do you suppose it came from?

Dimitri: The most likely explanation is that it might've been linked to the earthquake we had recently

Ashton: So we just need to figure out what caused it to happen and how this little guy is linked to it

Dimitri: But we should head home and keep an eye if you show other "oddities"

Ashton: Right.

We see them leave as they were seen heading home as we see Ashton holding his head unaware of a speeding truck coming towards him as he suddenly jumped high and out of the way as he was seen landing back on his feet while Ashton was seen to be in surprise at what just happened as a crowd of onlookers applauded for him.

Ashton: That was weird.

Dimitri: Dude what was that?

Ashton: I don't know I was having a headache and then all of a sudden I felt like something was coming at me.

Dimitri: Ok that's it we're getting you home now.

We see them heading to Ashton and started heading to his house as we see Ashton going to bed when the headache happens

Ashton: Ugh not again. I need some air.

Ashton then got up from his bed and walked around town until he ends up in an abandoned subway terminal when he hears a noise

Ashton: What was that?

Ashton then walked through the tunnel to figure out what was going on as he sees a figure in a red and blue suit get thrown into a couple of shipping containers as Ashton looked and saw what looked like a giant monster with wings and green scales roaring at him

Spider-Man: Norman we talked about this!

We see the goblin monster grab a shipping crate and threw it at Spider-Man as Ashton got up and went to get clear from the fight as he stopped as he sees what looked like a particle accelerator

Ashton: What the hell is this place?

We then see Goblin come crashing through as it sends Ashton into the air as he was then grabbed by Spider-Man and was brought to a high scaffolding when the headache started happening as Spider-Man then started to get a feeling and looked at Ashton.

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