Demi-Humans in school

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We see Ashton and Dimitri walking down the hall through the academy as they were both walking, we hear a faint sound.

Dimitri: Did you hear that?

Ashton: Hear what?

We then see Ashton as he was then hit by a centaur woman with blonde hair as he was sent crashing into a wall.

Centorea: How fortuitous it is that we should run into each other, it must be fate I guess. I am Centorea Shianus, a proud member of the centaur race, are you the man destined to be my master?

Ashton was seen in a daze as he was stuck to the wall as Dimitri then helped him off.

Dimitri: Dude, you alright?

Ashton: (Dazed) I can't sleep late mom, it's not a school day...

Dimitri: Ok, we need to see the headmasters about this.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton in the headmasters office as we see Dimitri and Ashton in their seats.

Nezu: I see, Centorea. What you should both know, she has special permission to be out on her own, even on school grounds. From what we understand, centaurs have a tradition of seeking out their own masters to serve.

Ashton: Masters?

Ozpin: I'm sure she's referring to host families. If she wants to enroll she will have to find one.

Nezu: So she will have to be placed under one of your care.

M.O.M.: Ashton will take care of her.

Ashton: Wait what?

M.O.M.: Centorea will be put under your care.

Ashton: Don't I get a say in this?

M.O.M.: No, she will be with you.

Ashton: But... But...

We later see the two leaving the office as they see Centorea.

Centorea: Impressive, these japanese spells truly are powerful.

Dimitri: Spells?

Centorea: Legend has it if you run into an intersection with all your might you are bound to find your soulmate.

Dimitri: I don't know where you got that from but it sounded more like a traffic accident!

Ashton: You could have killed me!

Centorea: Oh, I see.

Dimitri: And besides that stuff only happens in anime.

Ashton: This is real life.

Centorea: Is that so? Perhaps and I should have tried it with some toast in my mouth.

A thought bubble was seen showing a school girl running with some toast in her mouth.

School girl: (Muffled) Oh no I'm late!

Dimitri: Where did you even learn that?

Centorea: Anime.

Ashton: D leave the girl alone. So she's inexperienced with humans, that's ok.

Dimitri: Alright, but you do realize that her inexperience nearly led to you getting hospitalized

Ashton: Nothing hurts me anymore. Because of my curse and all.

Dimitri: Right. So by the looks of this I'm guessing the school is accepting demi-humans.

Ashton: Your probably right, must be something to do with that uh... What was that thing called again?

Dimitri: The Interspecies Exchange Bill?

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