Chapter 7

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Rhagav Pov:

What the hell did I do!!? Why why I earth did I do that...why did i kiss a stranger!?...ohh God my head will definitely's paining like hell...I don't know why did I so that...but..but she didn't felt like a stranger to me. She felt so familiar so familiar i don't know...but foe once I just wanted to see her face. I just wanted to look into her eyes properly.
But that dim light didn't allow to do so. I left her abruptly because I knew I won't be able to stop...I was drunk and it's wrong to continue...I know it was wrong to leave that girl like that mind was messed up...

It's 8 am in the morning and I woke up it's late for me cause I usually wake up early around 5 am....but yesterday I was up till late thinking about that stranger.
Yes!! It's after so long that I didn't sleep thinking of 'her' but was thinking of someone I don't even remember the face but all I remember is her honey brown eyes yes!! That's all I could see yesterday.
And those eyes i couldn't remember...where I saw...but they were familiar.
Anyway thinking of all these I had breakfast..and left for office in the car that came for me.
I was late I know and today I have to meet the minister who would introduce me to my junior ADGP.
So I hurriedly enter the minister's cabin and salute him and...that's why I saw someone standing beside me looking at me with shocking expression on face....when I looked towards that person my heart stopped beating for a minute...Divya...she .....she was standing in front of me...The girl whom I ignored the most is standing in front of me as my colleague my junior...shocked would be under statement. I was speechless standing there like a statue...looking into her eyes....wait those eyes those honey brown ones I saw last night. But was it really Divya...I was loosing my mind...I kept looking into her eyes loosing it until minister sir drew our attention...Divya was looking so uncomfortable 'obviously she would be..when the person who ignored her the most is her senior now...she would be nothing but uncomfortable ' my brain said.
I couldn't think straight now. I don't know the reason. Maybe meeting her like these after so many years is making the situation more awkward.."alright behave professional Rhagav u are no one to  her...and she was just a junior who had crush on you whom i dont even consider so now why r you feeling uneasy also she is just my bestie's sister that's all" I tried to calm myself down.
Minister sir introduced us and we shared a very formal handshake woth a light nod and she saluteme with a bit hesitation 'as if u don't know her' my mind mocked ...and I proudly ignored it..
He wished us to continue our work and left from there leaving us alone.
"Ahemm"...I cleared my throat.
"Long time divu..Divya... Ms Divya Mahotra..right!??"...I asked her to initiate the conversation and I some how, strangly don't want to change that 'Ms' to 'Mrs'...
"Yes Rhagav...Sry Rhagav sir..Long time sir...soo I guess we should continue with our work..I mean let's start our day then" Divya replied.
And I just nodded, still didn't reply.
I don't know I didn't like her being so formal. That's when I noticed she has changed so much she was so mature now..back then she was cute but now she looks so beautiful her being changed from a girl to a women is gorgeous...thar immature, naughty bubbly girl has changed to a mature women...but her face still holds the innocent that she had but noe with a touch of maturity which is making her beautiful...her eyes look so captive with those glasses that she used to wear.
"Sir sir" my chain of thoughts were broken by Divya's voice...
"Yeah" I replied.
"I guess we shall start our work" Divya said.
" Hmm...yeah we should...OK let's go to the cabin I'll guide you with the work" I replied trying to sound as formal as I could.
She nooded and I told her to go ahead and I followed her to the cabin.

I told her about the work. Made her understand and assigned work to her.
I had to accompany minister sir so I went there.
Thank God today atleast I didn't had to stay and face with Divya the whole day. And the most difficult part is our cabins are attached.

Hope you liked the chapter. And if you did plz vote.See you in the next chapter. Bye. Thank you 😊

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