Chapter 63

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Rhagav's pov

We reached home, while i was parking the car she waited for me and then We both went in together.
" Umm..Let's go change we shall fall sick otherwise" Saying this I started walking towards the stairs taking my phone out of the pocket to check if it was still working or not cause it's wet due to rain..that's When I heard Divya say from behind....
"Rhagav wait!! Why have we exactly been transferred here!!?... We three, together are transferred to Delhi that too at the same time so suddenly, so urgently without a valid reason..isn't that strange?!"
She asked and I froze there
I turned to her and as if cat caught my tongue I couldn't speak anything I just stood there looking everywhere but her.
"Do you by any chance know anything"
when I looked at her she expression said she was genuinely asking and not suspecting me, I calmed myself before answering
"I don't exactly know why! It's just I got to know that it's about Tiger's case again as we three officers were directly involved in that case so...maybe, anyway I have a meeting with SP and minister sir tomorrow so maybe they would explain something "
" it's again Tiger" she mummerd to herself but loud enough for both of us to hear.
"Why are you suddenly asking!? Did you observe something unusual or something? " I asked her.
"Not exactly, I.... no nothing just..curious, let's go change" I nod my head in agreement, without pushing the topic further.
We went upstairs to our room.
We entered the room and suddenly there was a weird awkwardness in the air, I cleared my throat and said " change here I will go change in the guest room" she nooded in agreement.
I went out of the room and looked back from the door she was standing by the closet door in deep thinking, of God knows what, maybe of whatever happened today, or maybe about Tiger and this sudden transfer, she probably must be thinking about the later, thinking this I signed and went out closing the door behind me to change.
But I need to change this, I have to I have win her trust, friendship back.

Divya's Pov

All the way back home all I could think was about the kiss, I don't know it's just that I didn't want that moment to end and I can't just stop thinking about it, the air outside after the rain seemed fresh and cool, and I loved the feeling.
After that confess which Rhagav made and my ranting to him I feel much lighter than all these past months, I backed away so abruptly because honesty I was numb for a moment after the kiss my mind went blank, so to avoid any embarrassment I said we should go back home firstly became we are drenched completely and can catch cold so we need to change to dry clothes and secondly I don't know what to say at that moment...also it's a little awkward because I initiated the kiss and....okay stop!...but I can't stop thinking..

When we reached home and while Rhagav was parking the car I waited...maybe waited for him so that we can go inside together. But while he was parking since it is a basement parking and has one sided glass panels on the big ventilator my eyes suddenly caught a figure, more like a women's figure outside the mansion trying to peep inside the house. And then that moment from the dinner time when I saw a figure outside restaurant replayed in my mind, and I started thinking about all the incidents from the sudden transfer of three of us that too together and the figure I saw then and now , I tried connecting the dots but something seems missing...
is it again Tiger!?
Does Rhagav know anything about this?!
Is he hiding something!?
But why would he..this is professional our job and nothing to do with our personal lives?!!
And we walked inside the house while I was thinking of all I decided to ask Rhagav directly to remove my confusion...and I did, though his answers didn't seemed confident and right that's why I didn't mention anything about that mysterious figure to him...
I will definitely find out about this sooner or later..Thinking of this we entered the room, and as I thought things started getting awkward inside the room but Thank God Rhagav said he would go and change in a different room.
As soon as he went towards the door to leave my mind again went on to recall the kiss....uff I am behaving like a teenager who just hit her puberty and her boyfriend held her handtypical teenage behavior...Damm you Divu, control your hormones..and that's when I heard the room door closed I didn't see it because I was facing the closet.

We sat together in the hall infront of the TV with intentions to watch a movie but we ended up talking or basically Gossiping about the neighbors, we talked about school, old friends, Old Delhi, Rhagav's cousins, his family and so on...
It felt so nice, for the first time I felt that we actually are a 'family'

Next morning, when I woke up his side of bed was empty, i saw a note on my side table saying

"Good morning sunshine 🌞
I woke up early so thought to make pancakes...I hope you will wake up before I end up burning the kitchen😅...
You were looking too peaceful while sleeping , didn't had the heart to wake you up..😜
Anyway if you are awake go freshenup and shower and cone down for breakfast.

Rhagav was in the kitchen by the time I came down in the dinning area. I went there and stood by the fridge, his back was facing me, sensing someone behind him he turned and flashed his cutest dimple smile, the one I feel in love with..."Done almost please go sit, and I didn't burn Anything look" he said cutely and we both chuckled at the end.
"why are you cooking where are the chiefs"
"Oh..the one who makes breakfast she had to leave, her son came back home from a different city so..and the others will come by lunch and dinner time"
"Ohh ok got it, should I help"
"No no all done go sit"
With that he slightly pushed me with my shoulder towards the dinning chairs..
I sat there and within 2 mintues he came with the food..even after denying he served it and after breakfast he carried back the plates to kitchen.
Breakfast was lighthearted and filled with laughter, I saw this bubbly and fun side of Rhagav after years.
I missed this side of Rhagav to be honest.
In childhood days Whenever he used to be with Dhruv I saw this fun loving, naughty, mischievous guy...and then after years when I saw him he was a completely changed man, not in a bad way though but still, whosoever has seen that side of him will definitely miss that guy now after seeing this changed man...But that same fun loving, open hearted side of this man is in front of me again.

Two weeks passed after that incident..and we talk normally, our normal talking before was being civil to each, nodding as a way of responding and so on, but now we atleast behave as family we sit together, we talk about our day, gossip about neighbors so we are at good terms.
At work place too he is friendly, he smiles more often now then ever been.
But since yesterday evening after dinner something seemed off ..he seemed tensed after a call.
Today morning also he left early without breakfast, and only left a note by my side table saying

"I need to leave early, you were sleeping so didn't wake you up..i will be late and won't be in the office today...when we meet I will tell you everything..bye.

And that's right he wasn't in the office today ,strangely when I called Dhruv in his office his assistant said he isn't in the office too..
What's wrong with both of them!!??


So what do think about this!?
Where have Rhagav and Dhruv went?!
Will Rhagav reveal everything to Divya about his plan on Tiger?

I hope you guys liked and enjoyed this chapter..I will meet in the next one, until we meet..

Take care
Bye bye
-pritihearts 💞💞
Love love ❤️

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