Chapter 67

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Rhagav's pov

I took the car out of the garage very carefully and drove to the route Rinni massaged me a while back, as fast as possible. Thankfully the road was empty, otherwise Delhi's road and Empty doesn't go along.
I kept praying in my mind 'Please stop, please don't leave, I can't lose you.' My heart beat as if I ran a marathon.
I can't-can't lose her....a tear escaped my eye.
When I saw her car it was going through an empty road, so I speed my car and over take hers, her car stopped with a jerk, and the driver came out, asking me to come out.
I saw her in the back seat, after so many days.
My breath turned heavier...and suddenly I was almost out of air but my heart felt light seeing her.
I took a deep breath, composed myself.
"What Mister? Can't you see and drive. Aakha hai yeh button?" The driver kept screaming at me unit I came out and as soon as I did he stop speaking, "sir aap"
I just nooded and waited for her come out and she did,
She came and slapped...
Yes she came out and slapped me!
Her eyes were red and teary..she had anger but more than anger there is sadness, sadness of betray.  I know, and I am answerable to her.

"Don't, don't even dare to take my name. What more!? Huh? What else have to left to insult me? What do you think you are Rhagav! That whenever you like you'll come and whenever you feel you will throw me away like a thrash?!"

"Noq-no-no I can explain"

"What will you explain, that all you told me about Shirsha was a lie, or that you are still in love with her?!"

"No No I don't love her, believe me"

"BELIEVE?! BELIEVE YOU? YOU?, HOW, HOW CAN I BELIEVE YOU, WHEN YOUR WORDS AND ACTIONS DON'T MATCH! All those things you said that day like a stupid i believed it all. How stupid of me huh!That i thought you can for even a minute forget her, and start a new life with Me?"

Divya said and fell on her knees, she was crying and my heart was breaking, bleeding with her every tear i am dying a hundred deaths. She started coughing badly i tried to console her but she showed her palm to me.
"STAY--Away" she coughed again.

"Divya please let me explain, for the last time, you will fall sick please, have some water atleast. "

"I don't want hear anything, leave  alone to hear anything, i don't even want to see your face, go away leave me alone, more over why do you care if i live or die. Just go away."

"I can't, i will die alive if something happens to you." I kneeled infront of her.

"Oh please, stop these flimy dialogue of yours, what do you think you are huh?! Ki tum kuch Bhi karoga or aake maafi maang loga toh sab thik hoo gayega, leave and let me go." (That you will do whatever you want and then come and ask for sorry, and everything will be alright. ) she said getting up, wiping her tears angrily. She stood up and stayed kneeled, Tears fell freely from her eyes, I held her hand and said

"No, I am nothing..I am an useless creature who has taken so long to realize what love actually is! I'm  useless, idiot that I kept pushing away my love, my future away thinking of my past. I deserve punishment, I know and I will accept every punishment you give but please don't punish me by going away, please don't take my life away. I will die without you. "

"Why" she whispered..and spoke
"Why do you keep doing the same thing again and again, why did you do this to me?"

"I had to, I had no other way. I can't see you hurt, I can't keep your life in danger"

"Really? And you want me to believe that!?" She spoke,taking  her hands away from mine she started moving back...

No no I can't let her go..I can't.. she turned her back and started moving towards the car.

"I LOVE YOU" and her steps stopped.

"No no you don't. You are saying this today and tomorrow again you will flip...No, i can't take in another heart break." she Smile sadly and kept her hand on door lock to open it..

I can't wait more..

"It was Shirsha whom you saw that day after dinner from garage window, it was her whom you saw at the restaurant, it was her all those times, and i knew she would be back" I bluntly said in desperation to stop her.

"What?" She said, almost whispered.

"Please come back, please let me explain. Once Please. " And she turned. I stood up and started speaking.

And with that I told her everything that I knew, how I was suspicious of Tiger's case after seeing Shirsha in my birthday party and transferred four of us here in Delhi to secretly investigating his case and it's links. How Dhruv and Aditi knew about the plan, how I got to know that Shirsha would be coming back to keep an eye on us and harm you(Divya) how Shirsha is trying to break the family to conquer her motive, how i knew that there is a secret link between Tiger and Shirsha. How I had a spy who was informing me about Divya's safety and location,  how Abhi and Rinni helped me to reach here. I told her everything.

"Now I need proofs to restart Tiger's case, which I can get only by keeping an eye on Shirsha moves" I said, by now we both are standing leaning by Divya's car. We told the driver to go back home.

"And you can collect all the proofs and evidences about Shirsha and Tiger only by keeping her close.
That doctor was planted by Shirsha herself?! And you knew that. And that day when you and Dhruv were out the entire day because of this reason? And you knew she is coming back. " Divya said looking at me, her eyes held a lot of emotions, I can understand that.

"Yes, I knew she is coming back and will try to break all of us. So to keep you and all of our family out of danger I had to pretend to be still in love with her and heartless to you. And that day by our secret investors we got to know that Tiger is planning to plant Shirsha in our house to collect information...." I said and she turned her eyes away from me and walked forward without saying anything.
For a very long time she didn't speak anything so I spoke.
I LOVE YOU DIVYA,I Really do" I said...


Okay!!! So early update this time too. Anyway today is my birthday so thought to update today 😁😊😝.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading. I will meet you in the next chapter.
Until then..

Take care
Bye bye
-pritihearts 💞💞
Love love ❤️

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