No! Really.

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"Open up!" A feminine voice yells in-between loud, obnoxious knocking on my poor door. "I expect you to be bright eyed with a smile plastered on your face in there!" 

With a groan, I lift my arm to cover my eyes shielding them from the bright light coming in from my window I must've forgotten to close the curtain last night before I went to sleep. "Morning people should be killed." I grumble to myself.

I rolled over after another moment, only to be surprised when the banging suddenly stopped. I peak open one of my eyes, now suspicious of the quiet. I sigh and sink further into my bed trying to fall back asleep, just as I'm about to drift off to sleep my blanket is suddenly ripped off of me causing me to jerk upright.

"What is wrong with you?!" I screech out.

"Jeez! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed," Sky sighs. "Now come on!" 

"Oh just go on without me!" I moan out in displeasure while laying back down, holding out an arm and gesturing for her to leave me here. I knew I was probably being dramatic but I really hated mornings.

Cherry knew better then to wake me up in the mornings, or at all. She was a very vibrant person in general but somehow in the mornings she was so much worse. 
"Oh quit being so dramatic! It's gonna take us a while to get to the Imperial City so we need to get a move on," She explains as if I had no clue what was happening today.

I wasn't ready for this day, I didn't want to go. And frankly I hated myself and the chief for making me do this, because not only did I have to go to the Imperial City, but I had to live there as well. I had to wait hand and foot for those monsters! They were well over 10 feet tall, had horns and tails! They were pure evil. The only reason they kept humans around was because they needed personal slaves. Well, that's not the only thing... but it was far too early to be thinking of such heinous things.

Sometimes they even decided to keep them as 'Brides' as they like to call them. They go through this whole ceremony where they bond with each other, the masters are happy by the end of it, but the person usually tries to kill themselves to get away from them.

Til death to us part.

"Fine. I'll go but I'm not gonna be happy about it,"  I sigh and motion for her to get out of my room so I can get dressed. We were close but not that close.

She stared at me for a moment, as if debating between wanting to make sure I was really going to get dressed, or if I was going to go back to bed . Ultimately, she shrugged and left the room leaving me alone. Just the way I like it.

I could hear her faintly in the kitchen. She's probably making breakfast for me.  She was a sweet person, and she like to the center of attention. That was for sure, don't get me wrong, I did too every now and again, but she lived for it. I think in another life, she may have been a performer, someone who lived in the spotlight.

Building up enough courage I lept off the bed- literally. The only way to give myself enough energy to actually get about my day was to fake it until I actually had it. I grabbed a pair of pants and a pair of random boots threw a somewhat clean shirt on. And hide a few pairs of daggers all across my body. and several in my boots.

I grabbed my bag that had the rest of my wardrobe or part of my wardrobe I could use while in the Imperial City, and took a final look around the room. I won't be coming back here for a while. This is my home and I'm really gonna miss it.
With a sigh I turned and headed straight for the kitchen, knowing that's where Sky was.

When I got in, I was surprised to find no food ? But with all of that noise she was making I was sure she was cooking. She could never do anything quietly.

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