Trial & Error

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"Stay here." he ordered.

Yeah right, he got up to leave the room to figure out what the noise was, and I was quickly up following behind him. He turned his head slightly to look back at me before looking straight ahead. He held his arm out as if to protect me from any incoming danger.

Seriously odd, "I thought I told you to stay put." he growled out, clearly annoyed at my presence.

" I don't remember you saying that," reply, sickeningly sweet, doing my best to play dumb.

As we stepped out into the corridor we were meant with a bunch more guards than I'd ever seen not to mention a few other random masters who had wanted to see what all the commotion was. The Emperor was given a front row view to the intruder, so I got one as well.

And there she was an all her glory laying out on the floor, next to a suit of armor, that it now crashed the floor along with her, giggling her ass off. Sky.

I didn't know what to do to help her, do I reveal myself that I know her? Or beg for Mercy on her behalf what do I do?  This wasn't in the manual!

My heart starts racing as I continually glance back between Sky and the Emperor wondering what's going to happen. "Remove her and place her down in the dungeons for sentencing," The emperor orders, Sky's too drunk to realize what's happening and protest or even explain herself.
She continues to laugh even harder. I try to signal that she needs to stop whatever it is she's doing.

But she just seems to think this is all one big joke and before long several guards have her handcuffed and are dragging her way.

Oh, this was not how this night was supposed to go.

"Little bird,"

"Mmmm?" I answer absentmindedly.

"Go back to your room, now." The Emperor says more harshly than I first expected. My eyes widen slightly at his tone, that one I thought he would have been using earlier, instead of he gentle and kind one from earlier.
Satisfaction flowed through me at his new tone, the true animal was finally been seen.

"Wait! What are you going to do with her?" I blurt out too worried about my friend to be afraid for myself.

"Nothing you should concern yourself with," He darkly replies and I unconsciously back up, he looks me up and down before snapping his fingers and walking away with his small army of guards following after him.

With a sigh I drag my feet back to my room, all the while thinking about how in the world I was going to get Sky out of this.

I woke up bright and early something I've never done before and practically sprinted down into the basement and into the dungeons. I was honestly surprised that the guards let me in no questions asked. I was sure I was gonna have to knock a few of the guards out just so I could see Sky.
When I finally found Sky she was still sleeping peacefully on the floor, with a rather large puddle of drool pooling on the ground beneath her face.

"You're an idiot!" I scream at Sky the moment she wakes up.

"Its far too early for this level of scolding, and I'm sure you're right, but why?" Sky groggily replies as she slowly get up off the floor and stands in front of me.

"Haven't you noticed where you're at?" I asked her not wanting to point out the obvious. I deserve to have a little fun with her.

She takes a moment to look around her, and then it fully sets in, and where she actually is.

"I'm in jail!" She screams out panic now ruining her features. "Wait! If I'm in jail how are you able to visit me?" She questions.

"Well while you were out on your date, I was having dinner with the Emperor," I rush out.

"That still doesn't explain it." She deadpans.

"I don't know either. Basically I can do whatever the hell I please around here no one bats an eyelash." I groan out, I know I should be happy and grateful that I have all these new privileges but I just couldn't.

I wanted nothing to do with the Emperor! But after our little dinner last night I'm not so sure that is an option. Although now that I think about it that's probably why I was able to get in here without the guard saying anything. Is that a perk? Maybe I can get Sky out of here easier than I thought.

"Oh, that's helpful. So you're gonna get me out of here?" Sky ask hopefully

"Yeah about that... so normally for servant is called outside they would be immediately hung. But because I know you, the Amber has agreed to give you a trial something most humans never get."

"So there's a chance I'll get out of here alive?" Hope lighting up her features once more.

"Yeah but if you do, you're going to receive a massive punishment in replace of that." I explain.

"So I can't win here?"

"Essentially no." I mumble truing to think of something else I could do to help.

"Great, got any other ideas?"

"Nope. And can you stop with all the damn questions? Oh great now you've got me doing it." I groan.

"Don't you have to go to work? Oh man! I do ask a lot of questions,"

"Good point, later!" I rush out before running back upstairs and straight into the kitchen, and straight into Brea.

"Raven! Where have you been and where is Sky? Wait are the rumors true? Is she really in the dungeon? Is their really gonna be a trial?" She hurries through her barrage of questions before giving me a pointed stare.

"Geez, will everyone please stop with all the damn questions! But I've been with Sky, and yes she's in the dungeon and yes there will be a trail. Anything else? How about the weather?" I ask sarcastically trying to lighten the mood.

Sky was in jail and there was a very real possibility that she could die from it, and then where would I be left? Alone in a castle with hundreds of my enemies and no one to help me take them down. Not to mention how was I ever going to tell the Chief about this? Sky was his only daughter, his only child... it would absolutely crush him.

"Brea!" A young girl rushes up to the two of us clearly in a hurry.

"Yes?" She answers calmly, when even just seconds before she was panicking almost as badly as I was.

"I just heard that theirs going to be a trial tomorrow, and its about one of the new maids." She quickly rushes out.

"Clover you noisy gossip... What time?" Brea asks.


I manage to swallow down the scream waiting to burst out in my chest. That was practically no time at all, I couldn't even plan a way to escape this dreadful place in that amount of time. 

"Uh Clover was it? What are the outcomes of trials like this?"

"Death usually."

"Great. Now if you'll excuse me."

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