Chapter 12

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Jungkook was on the rooftop of a building, binoculars in his hands, he was looking through them as he was looking at his target. He was going to aim and shoot at a person who was standing outside the opposite building. That wouldn't be hard for him at all. He was trained for this.

He had been looking at him for over 5 minutes now, not taking the shot. Not because he was scared, no. But because he didn't feel okay with this. He felt like he was being watched, but he saw no one watching him. Who would be watching him when he's on top of a high building?

No one...

That's what he thought...

But he was wrong.

Park Jimin was watching him, from the rooftop of another building.

Jungkook looked around, scanning the perimeter. Nothing seems off. He might just be paranoid for no reason. He picked up his gun, looked through its monocular, and aimed at the guy he was targeting. He aimed for the head. He knew he had to do a clean job and kill this person. Or else his boss was gonna kill him. He can't refuse to go abroad and also not do his job right. He had to prove that he was still, of course, the best in the business.

So he placed his finger on the trigger, getting ready to pull it. Meanwhile, Jimin was looking at everything happen. He knew this was it...his moment. He could either shoot Jungkook by himself or order his back up to do it.

"Detective Park, you're quiet. What's going on over there?" One cop asked.

"N-nothing...he hasn't taken the shot." Jimin said with a little stutter. He didn't understand why he felt so nervous. But his heart kept telling him that he was also a bad person for what he's about to do.

"Tell us when we should move in. We're armed and ready. " Another one of Jimin's colleagues said.

"Don't worry... I got this." Jimin said. He also aimed his gun at Jungkook. On the other side, his phone was placed carefully, balancing on a wall... recording what Jungkook was doing. He's gonna need proof to back up his accusations, right?

Jimin placed his finger on the trigger, ready to take a shot on Jungkook. Not to kill him. Just to hurt him so he won't get anywhere while trying to run.

Jungkook, on the other hand, made sure his aim was accurate. He shouldn't waste time any longer. He pulled the trigger, releasing the bullet, and it went straight to his target's head. The poor man dropped dead in an instant, and the people around him screamed, others running away and others rushing to help. The gun had a silencer, so it didn't make a loud sound. No one could tell from where it came from.

"Nice shot." Jungkook whispered to himself as he took his gun and put it inside a black bag that he had brought along. He still felt like he was being watched, but he knew that it was probably his paranoia.

Now that his job his done, he just wants to take a shower, relax and talk to Jimin. He really missed hearing his voice. So out of instinct he took his phone and dialed Jimin's number.

Jimin who was getting ready to take the shot, was startled by his phone ringing. He had to quickly grab it because it could gave fallen since it was leaning on a wall.

"Shit." He said as he saw the caller ID. Jungkook was calling. Why? Just when he's about to shoot.

"Hey Kookie" Jimin said as he answered with a faked cheerful voice, he even gave him a pet name. He was still looking at Jungkook as he spoke.

"Heyy Angel...there's that voice." Jungkook said with a slight smile.

"What voice?" Jimin asked confused. His heart already beating fast. He doesn't understand why he's feeling like this.

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