Chapter 21

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The next day, Jimin woke up in an unfamiliar room. He was lying on a big and comfortable bed, and the bed covers had a nice scent to them. He doesn't know where he is. After Jungkook left with him yesterday, he blacked out, so he didn't know where Jungkook took him. He looked around, hoping he could recognize his surroundings, but he didn't. He sighed heavily as his mind drifted to what happened. From the whole beginning of the abducting to yesterday evening.

Yes, he knew Jungkook would hate him if he ever found out that Jimin fooled him. But he didn't expect the latter to go this far. He didn't expect to be kidnapped. He didn't expect Jungkook to cuff him to chairs or chain him like a dog. He didn't expect Jungkook to ever be violent towards him. Nor did he expect that Jungkook's boss might sexually harass him while he's kidnapped.

He felt his tears falling down his cheeks as he thought about all of this. Well, it's no use crying over spilled milk. It's already happened. What's left is for Jimin to stay away from Jungkook and move on with his life.

The door opened, and Jungkook walked into the room. Jimin tensed up and looked away. He knows he's somewhat safe now, but he still thinks Jungkook might hurt him. How can he not think that? After Jungkook actually kidnapped him.

"Hey... how are you feeling?" Jungkook asked, his voice soft and gentle. Clearly, he has either calmed down or he's still going to bring his terrible side out for Jimin to see.

"I'm fine...w-where are we?" Jimin asked, looking around.

"In my house... did you have a good sleep?" Jungkook asked.

"Why did you bring me here?" Jimin asked, completely ignoring Jungkook's question.

"To keep you safe." Jungkook said with no hesitation.

"Safe? Safe from who? I need to be away from you to be safe. Jungkook, you're the most dangerous threat in my life right now. So, what exactly are you keeping me safe from?" Jimin asked, eyes already glistening with tears. The taller kept quiet and looked down. He knows he was wrong for doing all that... but Mr Choi's actions made Jungkook come back to his senses. He realized that he still deeply loved Jimin and wouldn't want the smaller to get hurt in any way.

"Thank you...for what you did yesterday. Coming to my rescue. I appreciate it a lot... but can I go home now? I promise I won't tell anyone what happened." Jimin asked, his voice sounding very soft and scared at the same time.

Jungkook raised his hand to caress Jimin's cheek, but to his surprise, Jimin slightly flinched. The taller sighed and looked down. Clearly, Jimin is kinda scared of him now.

"I'm sorry, Jimin. I know what I did was wrong. But... I had so much hate for you after I found this out. I was hurt...I'm still fucking hurt. I didn't know how else to deal with it, and my first thought was to make you suffer as well. I was wrong... maybe we should have just talked it out. Maybe then you wouldn't fear me so much. I'm deeply sorry for this, and for what Mr Choi almost did. I'll fully take the blame for that. It was my fault...he wouldn't have done that had I not...had I not kidnapped you. I'm sorry Jimin."

Jungkook apologized, his apology was heartfelt and sincere. Jimin's tears fell as he looked at Jungkook...he was angry and despised everything that Jungkook did. Hut he couldn't deny...deep down he really loved Jungkook. And that love wasn't something he could just throw away.

"What Mr Choi did is not your fault, it's not my fault as well. It's just Mr Choi and his stupid dirty mind. Stop blaming yourself for it. Please don't, you should be glad you came just in time before he..." Jimin kept quiet after that.

Jungkook then wiped the smallers tears, and he kissed the tip of his nose. He then pulled Jimin closer for a hug, he thought the younger would back away but to his surprise. Jimin held him even more tighter. Holding him like his life depended on it. They hugged like that, with Jimin sniffing here and there as he was still crying.

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