Chapter 34

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I spit my bitter saliva for the umpteenth time down the toilet and sighed. I then flushed the toilet and closed the lid, then sat on top of it. My head was banging so hard, I even felt like I had a fever or something. Which was very weird because I'm not a person who gets sick easily. But these days...I've become a weak man who vomits every morning and sometimes at night. My enemies would be happy to see me like this.

After my vomiting episode, I went back to my cell. With the warden accompanying me. They don't allow you to go anywhere by yourself. I'm tired of this place. I wanna get out, and yes, I know I'm rightfully arrested because I did commit a lot of crimes. But man...I want Jimin, I want to be with him, and our friends. Jimin is human, too. He might leave me because I'm gonna spend years and years here...I haven't even gone through one year.

I got to my cell and laud down on the bed, and the warden then left me alone. Jail is hell. You have nothing to do here except think and regret your life decisions. I can't say I regret being a hitman. I had no family, I don't even remember my family. That devil Choi has been my family as long as I can remember. Growing up there, I knew I'd grow to be what he was... a ruthless murderer. And that really happened.

But then I met Jimin...

That Angel

I found myself changing, feeling so weak, I didn't want anything that could hurt my baby. We've both been through a lot together, and I'm scared that being arrested for too long will make him move on from me.

"HEY PRISONER," another warden shouted.

I just looked at him without saying anything. I know I'm in prison, but why the heck is he referring to me as a prisoner. I have a name. And if he keeps being disrespectful, then I'm gonna kill him. Being here doesn't make me a weak man. Except the vomiting...damn that makes me look weak as fuck.

"Someone's here for you." The warden said, I quickly jumped up from the bed, directing all my attention to him.

"Is it Jimin?" I quickly asked him.

"Jimin? Who's that?" He asked, looking genuinely confused. I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Forget it, whoever he is. I don't want to see them." I said sitting back down.

"Well too bad prisoner, he's here already. Come." The warden said.

I sighed and dragged my feet going to where the warden was taking me. I don't get it. It's not even visiting hours and someone is here. I know they bribed their way in. But who can it be if it's not Jimin?

"Get in, he's waiting inside." The warden said, I looked at him hesitantly and then pushed the door open.

I immediately poked my inner cheek with my tongue as I saw my visitor. I thought he had even forgotten about me. But here he is. With some guys behind him, I bet they're his bodyguards or something. Mr Choi smiled seeing me, but it wasn't a friendly smile. He seemed excited like he had won a battle.

"I'm giving you 5 minutes." The Warden said, he then closed the door as he went out. Leaving me with Mr Choi and his two goons who might possibly try to kill me.

"Well, well, well...if it isn't Jeon Jungkook, my golden boy." Mr Choi said, his voice booming sarcasm.

"Choi." That's all I said to him. Then I looked at him, expecting him to let me know why he's here.

"I'm disappointed, I really thought jail would be horrible to you, I thought I'd find you with dirty uncut nails, a big messy beard, I thought you'd be skinny. But it seems jail takes care of traitors." He said. I chuckled and shook my head.

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