Chapter 1 - puzzled day...

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My name is Four , I am studying at Black Bridge Univeristy in Oricave City. I have a girlfriend, named Pris. Pris is a very very beautiful, kind, and smart girl . She amazes me everyday.
Today is Monday, the most boring day...

I study at class B, while Pris studies at class A, it saddens me sometimes knowing that we're in different class so i won't be able to see her every time i want to..sounds overreacting. After studying for about 2 hours, now it is breaktime . I always come to see her in her class then we eat together in the canteen. It has become our enjoyable routine since we started dating.

We go to our favourite canteen, holding her hand, sharing all what has happened that day, then order our favourite menu. While we are eating, I am looking around, realize that everyone is having a cough ,except me and Pris.

"Pris, why is everybody coughing except us?" I confuse.

"Maybe because we are superhuman hahaha" she replied laughing.

"Hahaha, you are so funny, that's why i love you so much" I replied.

After the breaktime, I have a football match with class C, so I get to the field. But the match is delayed because all of them have no enough power to play football, so we decide to study instead.
The bell is ringing so we get back to our class to study. Eventually class is over and it's time for us to go home. I always go home together with Pris and take her to her house.
On our way home I feel hungry so i ask her to have lunch in a cafe. We decide to have steak. As we get there i see all of the customers, waiters, and chefs are coughing like our friends at school. I dont really notice so we order the steak and wait. Before the food comes, Pris asks me.

"Are you sure you want to eat here? Look around you, all of these people are sick " She said in anxiety.

"Let's see when the food is served. if there's something odd, especially with the food, let's eat in the other place, oke babe?" I replied her.

She nods her head. After 10 minutes waiting, the food is served. Just like I said, there is something odd and suspicious. The meat is full of blood. Pris spontaniously screams. I call the waiter.

"Excuse me, why is the steak full of blood?" I asked.

"Sorry sir, the chef can't stop coughing bleeding just like me " The waiter answered.

We right away leave that cafe wondering what has happened here and go to other restaurant. everything looks so normal. We decide to eat soup and order 2 cream soup. After waiting in 10 minutes, the soups we ordered is serves. It frightens me to death seeing that blood is served in a bowl, not cream soup. we are extremely shocked and turn to be still. I ask the waiter the same question just like I ask the Steak's waiter. The answer is also same. I start to bw angry and leave that restaurant. Pris decide not to eat outside. we lost our appetite.

"It's alright Four, I will eat at home" She said to calm me.

i drive her home and get there in the evening. i just want to arrive at home soon. many things have crossed my mind. i cant stop thinking about those scarry moments today.

"Take care Pris, I'll pick you up tommorow at 7 a.m, don't get up late, don't be a cow oke? hahaha , sorry for the lunch , I love you" I said to her

"You are the cow Four hahaha, bye bye take care, it's alright. love you" she answered.

then I go home. onn my way home, I see all of the people are coughing just like all of my friends in the school and people at restaurant and cafe.I am very confused and angry too.

" What is going on?? Is there any severe virus or something that cause people sick?" I ask myself.

arriving at home i need to take a bath. When I want to take my t-shirt off, I am very shocked because there is a lot of blood on my clothes at the back, my friend's blood covering my t- shirt!! I'm afraid that I will get sick just like them.

"Shit!!! there is so many blood!! What the hell is going on with this world????" I said to myself

And then I take a bath angrily and confusedly....

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