Chapter 7 - Another Survivor

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They are our friends!!!! Rexton and Eva. They are couple since they at 7th grader. Rexton is my besfriend since we are at kindergarten grader, Eva is Pris besfriend since they are 7th grader.

"How did you survive from that university??? " I asked them

"We didn't get that cough just like you guys, actually we are late at that day, so when we want to enter that school, we looked a lot of zombies so we ran away" Rexton answer

" We are really happy you are here guys" Pris said happily

" But what are you doing here guys? It's USA how can you get here?" I asked with very confuse face

"We thought this virus just in Asia and we thoght USA is the most powerfull country and the military can handle it" Answer Eva

" Same like us" Pris said with sad face

And then all of them become very sad

"Come on guys don't be sad, we still have hope" I motivate them

"How can you guys have a gun Rex, Eva?" I asked a question

"We took it from police station, there were so many guns, I love guns man! It's awesome like " He answered

"You still crazy man! hahaha" I reply him

We thinking what are we going to do now? our hope is gone. Then I found a computer that belongs to Mr.President . I turn it on, maybe I can get some information. My guess was right . USA want to creat some virus to make them strong and become the most dangeours country in the world. So they need a scientist that can make that happen , the scientist that make all of this happen was Prof.Ron.

He is the most smartest scientist in the world, but a few years ago he became very evil. USA just want to make a virus to make people move very slow, but with an evil idea, Prof.Ron change it without discussion with USA . Now the professor is hiding somewhere, if we want our world back to normal , we must find him. Data in computer shows us that if we beeing but, we will turn become one of them, but there is an antivirus . The virus name is EOTW , it means End Of The World.

We search to the nerwork about Prof.Ron, we were shocked because Prof.Ron has his own army so we can't catch him easily. His army are about 200 people . Heard that we feel better but also angry. We feel better because finally there are another human in this world. We decided to make The White House become our base. We have to collect so many guns, tanks, planes, or something else to defeat Prof.Ron's amry.

"Guys had you looked to the garage? there tank and plane" I tell them

They haven't see it so we go to the garage

" Wow that's great ,we need more planes and more tanks" Rexton answered

And then the sky become dark. Night is coming. Rexton and Eva already sleeping. I almost sleep too, and then I realized thay Pris is missing so I must find her . I wake Rexton and Eva and whsipering something. I also take my dual handgun for secure. The first place I go is the roof . My guess is right. she is there.

"There you are Pris" I feel better and look her with a little smile.

"How can you find me Four?" Pris asked me with tears in her eyes

"I know because your favorite thing is looking to the sky and see those beautiful stars , and why are you crying Pris???" I worried

"I want this world become normal again, I miss our old life Four" she answering with crying

"Don't worry Pris, I promise I will make this world back to normal, ah today it's our graduation day right? And there is something more special than our graduation day, do you remember?" I asked her with serious face

"Emm.. nope" She answer with a little smile

" Try to remember Pris" I said with smile

"Ahh it's Desember 12nd, our anniversary day!!! sorry I forget it Four.. I am too sad because of this world" She said

"It's oke, Happy anniversary babe, it's been 2 years we have been together, i'm lucky I have you in my life, please don't leave me, I'm nothing without you, now look behind you" i told Pris

She looks amazed and looks behind, there are a table, chairs, a canddle, steaks, and wine. Actually I told Rexton and Eva to did that before I came to the roof.

"Let's have a romantic dinner Princess"

We go to the table and eat.

"The stars are very shine and very beuatiful, just like you Pris" I said

"Hahaha thanks Four" She said

After having a romantic dinner with Pris, we get in to the building.

"Goodnight my lovely, please cry again, i love you so much " I said

"I'm better now because of you, thanks Four, you are my everything, I love you too " She answered me

After that we go to our own room and sleep..

*thanks for read my story, don't forget to vote and leave a comment in my story, thanks

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