Chapter 4 - House of Heaven

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I don't believe it, there are so many guns underground. We took all of the guns. There are some swords too. I love guns since I was a little, I've always dream to have special skill in using a gun, and I can shoot my target perfectly. Shotguns and dual handguns are my favorite guns. I am very happy, at last I can use gun in this critical situation like now.

"Pris what do you want to use to fight that shit zombies?" I ask Pris.

"I think I will use sword, handgun, and submachinegun." she answers jumping and laughing like a baby.

"Wow, I will use shotgun, double hand gun and this ak-47. Look! there is a car, it's a jeep. Let's take all of these guns into the car. the most important one is the bazooka, hehehe" I said

"Oke four" said Paris excitingly.

Having taken all of the guns, food, and water into the car, we decide to sleep there one night because it's alreadly late and we feel super exhausted. There is a sofa where we can sleep, so Pris sleep in my lap. She sleeps very tight then I take off my jacket and cover her so she won't feel cold during night. She sometimes smiles in her sleep. When she smiles, it is the best moment in my life that I will never forget. I love this girl and I want her to be mine forever. And I kiss her cheek.

The next morning before she is awake, I get her some flowers that I've picked behind the house. there's a garden with some wild flowers and plants grow there. I picked some yellow roses since yellow is her favorite color. she also likes roses very much.

"This is for you my angel, I love you so much, don't ever leave me, stay with me,I need you more than you think" I said that and gave that flowers to her.

And then I hug her.

"Thank you Four, I love you too, I won't leave you Four because you are the only one in my heart" Answer Pris smiling.

After we hug each other, we hear some noise at the back of the house. I take my shotgun and open the back door.

there are ugly hungry zombies, around 20 zombies. it seems they are looking for some food to eat. their eyes look so empty while they are walking. I try to shoot them in their head because if I shoot them in the body, they won't die. I miss some shots, it is a difficult moment to kill them. finally I can beat them by shooting 19 zombies. unfortunately I am out of my bullets, all of the bullets are in the car . That last zombie is getting closer to me and it is going to bite me for its hunger. And then I remember the knife that I took from the school. When it is about 3 inches to be closer I decide to take it out and I try hard to behead it. The zombie died at his loudest scream. The atmosphere was so frightening. I feel so powerless and weak after fighting them.

Pris is very afraid, she looks shocked and scaref. she is about in tears.

"Don't worry Pris, I'm alright" I exhale and I want to calm her.

"I am afraid I will loose you Four!!" She said crying.

"I'm allright dear. I have guns, Swords to fight them and to protect ourselves. I also have you as my support. don't worry Pris, don't cry. If you cry I'll be sad too. just trust me. we'll get through this together, you and I. you gotta be stronger." I calm her and wipe her tears"
"Ok four. I promise you I wont cry and i m gonna be a strong girl for you. I will always be with you, no matter what". Pris replies and starts to be more relaxed.

"Let's get out of here" I said

I open the car door for her and said

"Get in Princess Pris" I said

"Stop it Four, you make me want to laugh, hahaha" she start laughing and get it to the car

And we continue our riding..

*thanks for reading my story, please leave a comment and vote my story,  thank you.

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