Something In The Bricks

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i died for a few weeks and wrote this in like three days. hi.

BEN's childhood home was different from any other house you had seen before, but the new scenery was refreshing to your addled mind—there was something calming about it. As the torch BEN held lit up the front of the house and the grounds that surrounded it, you could almost feel the anxiety of your parents appearing seep into the clouds of icy breath that made it past your lips.

It was certainly bigger then the houses you were used to seeing, but, much like BEN had said on the train, it wasn't obnoxious in its size or design. Most of it was obscured by a climbing plant that had crawled up the brickwork on the left side of the house, but the beauty of the simple architecture remained.

If you had stumbled across the house with no knowledge of its history, you would have assumed that you had mistakenly entered someone else's property and immediately left to avoid being chastised by the owners. But since you did know the backstory behind the house, the fact that the grass was perfectly trimmed and some bushes had been cut back was enough to make you gasp and pray that the cleaners got a decent tip for their trouble.

'What do you think?' BEN asked, placing your bag down on the floor. 'It's pretty, isn't it?'

'It really is. I still can't believe that you grew up here, but it's very...fitting.'

'Yeah? Just wait until you see the inside. If it's the same as what I remember, then it's even nicer then what you're thinking of.'

He was right. Even though you weren't really sure what you had been expecting, it certainly wasn't furniture that was probably from the nineties, but you actually weren't sure. It all seemed to fit an unspoken theme that made each and every room look like it had been lived in every day for the past thirty years. It was a specific kind of comfort that you immediately loved.

BEN gave you a tour of the house, showing you all the different rooms and what memories they held. You let him talk for as long as he wanted to in each room, not having the heart to extinguish the excited spark in his eyes. It was kind of cute.

'And here's where you can sleep!' He flung the door open, revealing the room and all of its glory. It was slightly larger then your room back home and reminded you of a fancy hotel. A freshly-made double bed was pushed against the middle of the feature wall, a bedside table on either side. There was even a wall light above the headboard that, when you switched it on, lit up that half of the room.

'Fancy,' you commented, turning the lamp off. 'Was this always a guest room, or did it belong to someone?'

'Nope—always been a guest room. People never really used it cause it's close to my room.' He shrugged his shoulders, a dramatically forlorn look on his face as he added, 'I guess they never appreciated my late night gaming...'

'If you want a gaming partner, I don't mind joining you.' What you didn't say was, 'It would be nice to continue our routine of gaming together at night even though things aren't that great at the moment.' You didn't really want to admit that to him (were you even capable of saying it aloud?).

'Aww, do you want to finish that mod's storyline with me? Is it too scary to play on your own?'

Arse. 'No. I just know that you'll sulk if I finish it without you.'

As usual, BEN gasped in horror, but this time he went even further and pretended to faint, staggering backwards until he could safely fall onto the bed, letting out a guttural cry of, 'A critical hit!' as he fell. His antics caused your eyes to roll, and you walked over so you could grab his hand and pull him up. You were too tired to play along.

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