Wrapped Up With A Bow

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ough...final chapter...

Being spontaneous wasn't something that people associated with you. Occasionally, you would have a cool idea, but it was never anything major or life-changing. You stuck to small ideas, and you were currently embarking on one.

You had awoken in the morning with an idea in your head. It followed you as you got dressed, ate breakfast, and helped Frankie search for a cloth to buff out a scratch on his car. The idea lingered as you stood around and did nothing, so you said, 'I think I'll go see James today.'

'Yeah?' Frankie looked up at you, closing his book and putting it down so he could focus solely on you. 'What brought this on?'

With a shrug, you admitted, 'I don't know. It just feels like it's something I should do, and my parents always told me to follow my gut on stuff like this.'

'If you wanna go see him,' Frankie said, 'then go. It's a weekday, there shouldn't be anyone around. Want some cash for some flowers?'

'If that's alright.'

'Course it is. Also, don't call your parents that. They don't deserve that title.'

You grinned and asked, 'What should I call them? Life-givers? DNA donors? I could call them "former parents" and make it sound like they're dead or something.'

'You could use all of those—switch it up around different people. Keep them on their toes,' Frankie said, sliding a ten pound note across the kitchen table. Did he just have that lying around in his pocket? You wouldn't be surprised. Men's jeans can fit in literal bottles of soap and still have room.

'I could! That would be pretty funny, actually.' You picked up the note and folded it into your own pocket and said, 'Thanks. I'll message you when I'm on my way home.'

'Sounds good. You coming back on your own or with that kid?'

'I'm not sure. Do you know where he went?'

'Not a clue.'

You frowned. 'That's fine; I'll ring him. Do you want anything from the shop while I'm there?'

'Nope, we're good.' Frankie gave you a firm stare. 'You're dawdling—want me to come with you?'

'I'll be fine, I think. I've received my calling, so I should probably go. See you later.'

Frankie waved you out, telling you to 'Bugger off' as he shut the door behind you, pulling a weird face before shouting, 'Love you!' through the letter box, which you repeated back to him, pulling your own weird face.

Semi-true to your word, you turned on your phone and messaged BEN. After what happened last time when he disappeared, you were hesitant to do anything drastic. Or, anything at all, really. If it wasn't for the nagging itch in your brain to visit James' grave, you would have stayed at home.



where'd you go?

some weirdo idk <3:

went to pick something up !


ooo what you picking up?

some weirdo idk <3:

secret :3

i can give you a hint tho

it's ~governmental~


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