큰 털이 많은 괴물 -7

137 6 0

Big Hairy Monster

"MIN FUCKING YOONGI!!!" yells a loud voice.

Yoongi groans as he carefully places Jungkook next to Taehyung.

Seems like those two didn't wake up.

Thank god.

He stands up and goes to his door but stops. He looks back at his bed and runs to it.

"OPEN UP THE FUCKING DOOR, MIN YOONGI!!" yells the man, clearly angry.

He covers the kids all the way to their head so his dad wouldn't see them. He goes back to his door and opens it. His dad's face right in front of his.

"G-good morning, appa." says Yoongi in a low voice.

"What took you so long to open up the fucking door you mistake." says the man, super angry.

"A-appa. Please forgive me. It won't happen again. . . I am so so sorry." says Yoongi, closes the door and leans his back on it so his dad won't look inside.

"Were you jerking off or somethin', you stupid ass?" asks the man.

Yoongi's eyes widen. "N-no, appa. I-I don't do that kind of s-stuff." Yoongi stammers. He is scared of that.

"You probably did. You know what happens to the girl if she has a kid." says the man, smirking like the devil he fucking is.

"Appa. . . I d-don't do that. ." says Yoongi, on the edge to cry.

"Make me my fucking breakfast." says the man, going back to the living room and watched TV.

"Yes, appa. . ." says Yoongi, going to the kitchen and preparing breakfast. He made more than usual to feed his kids.


"Appa!! The food is done!!" says Yoongi, putting the dishes on the table.

His appa goes and sits down on the dining table. Yoongi sits across from him. The table is tiny only room for 2 chairs.

"When you come back from school I want you to go and buy me some beer." says the man, not keeping his eyes off the food and still eating.

"Appa. . I am not over the age 18 yet. . I can get arrested, appa." says Yoongi, worried.

"Then how fucking old are you?!!" says the man, looking at him.

"I am only 17?" says Yoongi, tilting his head to the right a bit.

"You see? 17. Just fake it. You are 18 now." says the man.

"Oh! Look at the time!! I must go get ready for school!" says Yoongi, as he stands up and takes his plate back to the kitchen and sets it down in the sink. He then runs to his room where opens it then locks it.

"Appa? Where you go?" asks Jungkook, looking at him, confused.

"I am sorry, baby." says Yoongi, as he goes to the baby and crouches down and hides his face in Jungkook's belly and rubs it with his nose, smiling.

Jungkook giggles.

"Appa! Funny!" says Taehyung, who is sitting next to Jungkook.

Yoongi looks at Taehyung and tilts his head to his left a bit. "Me, funny?" asks Yoongi, chuckling a bit.

"So so funny!" says Jungkook, doing grabby hands.

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