𝔬. Jedi Archives, System File No. 505

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[ Capital System of the Olympian Alliance

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[ Capital System of the Olympian Alliance. ]

REGION. The Core, Beyond the Daltarian Frontiers.

STAR. Elarion.

PLANETS INHABITED. [3]. Kas Attara. Del Bassoor. Valheim.
PLANETS TOTAL. [10]. Hurcta. Del Bassoor. Egro. Wygnis. Kas Attara. Stardica. Thoidne. Cegard. Valheim. Fevyi

INHABITANTS. Olympian Near-Humanoids [Astragorians, Horians,  Lynerese, Xeronians,  Zethridians]. Arusians. Ancients (extinct). Druids. Zydrizians.     Immigrant Species.

SYSTEM CHARACTERISTICS. [WARNING]. System located beyond the Daltarian Asteroid Belt. Wild — unexplored — space, please proceed with caution.

° Located in the Core areas surrounded by the Daltarian Belt near Corellia and Hosnian Prime, this system is named after the City of Olympia in █████, where it is believed the Olympian Class near-humanoid species originated from. There are no known hyperspace routes near or in the system.

° The largest planet of this system is Del Bassoor with a diameter of 100,314 km, while █████ ██ ███ ████████. Some inhabitants call this system "Agryron", the name the system held before the Vanishment.

° Icarys "the Morning Star" and Naera "the Evening Star" are a pair of twin stars located near this system that can be admired from the surface of the system's planets.

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