42. Good Company Is Therapy.

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I sat by the fireplace with my headphones plugged in and a slow Christmas tune playing from the music box. The music got me on a different level as I started to reminisce about the times Dad and I spent Christmas Eve together. My eyes remained closed as tears rolled down my cheeks continually, and the memories flashed in my head.

Often a smile would spread across my lips and leave as slowly as it came. I didn't know how fast the time had gone until I felt a tap on my shoulder and opened my eyes to see darkness. I put on the light on my phone and flashed it at the person standing behind my chair. It was Mum.

"What's the matter?" She asked as I removed my headphones. She took a seat across from me. "Something's bothering you. What is it? And please don't tell me it's nothing."

I sighed. I wasn't going to tell her that nothing was wrong with me. The weight of my pain was too much, I couldn't hide it.

"Oliver is angry at me."

Mum tilted her head a bit in confusion. Her eyebrows came together in a crease. "I spoke to him yesterday and he asked about you. I don't think he's angry at you."

"Really? But he hasn't been answering my calls. I've sent him tons of messages and he hasn't even replied to one."

"Oh... I don't know, did you do anything to upset him?"

I shook my head. "I don't know. I think it all started the night Andreas and his guys came."

"You know those guys? I mean, like personally?"

"Yes. Just their leader."

"The one who..." Mum trailed off and I nodded already knowing what she was asking. Mum wasn't around when I first met Andreas.

"So what happened? Wait! Did he see you and Andreas together? Like... Together..."

"I think so. Could that be the reason why he's angry?"

"Any man who loves you would be jealous and angry especially in this case when you were the one who invited Andreas to bed."

"Mum!" I glared at her.

"What? If he had seen you and Andreas together then it's definitely what's upsetting him."

"But I wasn't just doing it for pleasure. He should understand that."

"I know, but he doesn't know that. You should explain to him. And just an extra tip. If a man truly loves you and you love him back, you should think over your decisions because some might just hurt him. It's your body, but it's his feelings. You understand right?"

Mum's explanation was a bit shallow but I got her point.

"Thanks, Mum."

"Anytime, my love." She smiled at me. "And you better get to him fast so he doesn't keep hurting for a long time."

"Yeah, I'll try calling him again."

I picked up my phone from my lap and dialled Oliver's number. It rang but he didn't pick up. I sighed. "Why won't he just speak to me?"

"Possibly, he's still angry. Just give him time."

"It's been three days now."

"Be patient."

I was patient. And I remained patient throughout the time we were carrying out the burial plans.

Uncle Casey and Mum had reconciled and I had resumed work at the bakery. The burial happened a week and three days after we arrived at Sinaloa. We didn't want it to linger. We invited only people very close to the family --Which weren't many at all. My grandparents arrived two days before the burial. They had chosen to stay at Uncle Casey's place, not wanting to live under the same roof with Mum. Aunt Jojo on the other hand was okay with staying with us. Grandpa and Grandma accused her of being just like Mum because Aunt Jojo was newly divorced.

Thankfully, there weren't many open confrontations except Grandma's outburst the day they arrived. She even went to the extent of calling Mum a witch.

Unfortunately, I found myself caught amid all the drama. They didn't give me a hard time though. My grandparents even offered to take me with them since they felt sorry that I was the only child of their late son. The whole situation was exhausting and I still had Oliverio giving me the cold treatment.

I wanted to ask Rodas about him but Rodas was inexcusably absent. He had so many things to sort out at his parent's business but he promised to be there at the burial. I understood him though. He and Oliver had their issues hanging on their necks which they had to resolve fast. But that wasn't an excuse for Oliverio to keep ignoring me.

On the night preceding the burial, Aunt Jojo and Mum had to go to Uncle Casey's house. They had something important to discuss concerning the burial the next day.

Mum did not want to go but Aunt Jojo and I motivated her. Aunt Jojo even promised to support her. I felt lucky to have such an understanding aunt. She was the only one except Aunt Mireya who had listened to Mum's side of the story. She was one person who made Mum feel very much like family. To my grandparents, the only connection Mum had to the family was my dad and with him gone, they considered her a stranger. They didn't want to associate her with me and I could see their disappointment when I stood by Mum.

Despite Grandma's protest, Uncle Casey still allowed Mum to spend the night at his place.

Melisanda and Veronica were spending the night at my place to keep me company. I would've joined them in their house but that would mean leaving only Rodas at home. He had been out that evening and didn't know about us leaving the house.

He returned to the house at ten o'clock that night when Mel and Veronica were asleep. They had been waiting to see him but couldn't stay awake any longer. I, on the other hand, did not have any ounce of sleep in me. I had been eager to speak to Rodas and that talk couldn't wait. I was seated in the living room when I heard his knocking.

"Welcome," I told him on opening the door.

"Rufina, did I keep you up late? I'm so sorry. I had to finish both today's work and part of tomorrow's work since I wouldn't be in the office tomorrow."

"Oh, that's thoughtful of you. I didn't know your work was so stressful."

"Yeah, I have a lot to accomplish in a short time."

"Okay... Uh, can we talk? Briefly, please."

He could notice the eagerness in my voice so he gave me a listening ear without hesitation. He sat tiredly in one of the chairs in the living room and I brought out my phone and showed him my call log. Oliver's name was at the top of the list. I had called him eleven good times, all missed.

I quickly wiped away the tears that dropped from my eyes but more came, accompanied by my sniffing which made it hard for me to hide the fact that I was crying.

"Oh, Rufina. Don't take it that way. Oliver cares for you. He just has a lot going on and he doesn't want his problems to affect you. Especially now. Please understand him."

"Is that enough reason to stay away from me for this long? The burial is tomorrow and he hasn't even checked up on me."

"No, no," Rodas said standing up from his seat and coming to meet me. "He called me today to ask how you're faring. I think he's angry at you. This is how Oliver behaves when he's really angry at someone. But he's still concerned about you. He calls me every day to ask about you."

I looked up at Rodas standing in front of me. "Really? So what's making him angry?"

Rodas shrugged, "I don't know. He didn't mention."

I looked down at the floor in the dark room. Rodas held my hand and pulled me to my feet. "Come on, you need to cheer up," he said soothingly.

He brought out his phone and played a cool melody. "I listen to this and it helps me calm my nerves."

He took one of my hands in his, bringing my second hand and resting it on his shoulder before wrapping his other hand around my waist.

"What are you doing?" I asked, confused.


I laughed lightly, following Rodas' lead as we danced. Resting my head on his shoulder, I gave in to the music, letting the tune into my mind.

We were both too tired and distracted to notice the door opening, and someone walking into the house.

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