보육 문제가 있는 학교 -9

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School with Daycare Problems

Jimin stops in the parking lot of the school.

Yoongi notices how Jimin seems a little worried and immediately knows why. "Hey. They will be alright. They are at a Daycare what can happen? says Yoongi, as he grabs his and Jimin's bags.

"Ya. They will be alright. They are in perfect hands. Everything will be fine. Plus you gave them your phone number so they can contact you if something bad happens. Everything will be fine." says Jimin.

Yoongi sighs and frowns. "You still haven't calmed your big ass down yet. You knuckles are literally turning white because of how hard you are grabbing that steering wheel. I don't think you are fine yet, Chim Chim." says Yoongi, opening the door of the car and getting off.

He takes the whole turn around the car and opens the driver's seat.

"Thank you." says Jimin, as he gets off the car and Yoongi closes the door.

They go into the school. They pass by some girls that are absolutely in love with Jimin and absolutely hate Yoongi.

Reasons: Jimin is
Lots of popular friends
Big company

Reasons: Yoongi is
Friends with Jimin

"Ohh, my Jimin Oppa~ you look so handsome today, oppa." says one of the girls.

"Back off." says Jimin, glaring at the girls.

"Let us go to class." says Yoongi, coldly.

"Jimin Oppa~ you friend hates us. You should stop being friends with him." says one of the girls, tugging on Jimin's arm.

"Ya totally. I hate you guys too so no problem." says Jimin, jerking his arm back.

"Should we go now, Jimin?" says Yoongi, walking through the crowd.

"Ya. . ." says Jimin, following Yoongi to their class.

They sit together in the same desk.

"So uhmmm. . ." says Jimin.

"They'll be fine, Chim Chim. I can assure you. The brothers are together no matter what." says Yoongi, rubbing his back.

"Alright alright. ." says Jimin.

Then teacher comes in and everyone settles down.

After 50 minutes of the class they go their seperate ways.

Then again after 50 minutes of another class they go to different classes.

Time skip: 4 period

"Hey, Chim!" says Yoongi, sitting next to him.

"Finally 4th period right? After this class is lunch and then 5th period and again we are together." says Jimin, smiling.

"I know. Already halfway through school day." says Yoongi, happily.

"I know."

Then about 50 minutes later (sorry for the time skips) they go to lunch.

Time skip: Lunch

"What did you get for lunch?" asks Jimin, looking at Yoongi.

"I didn't pack myself lunch." says Yoongi, shrugging his shoulder and skaing his head.

"Let me share. Plus my maid did a bit too much. So let's share?" says Jimin, scooting closer to Yoongi.

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