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First person POV

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First person POV

It was just a regular, boring day in the Demon Slayer corps today. I was walking along a path near the butterfly mansion, watching and listening to the butterflies in my dear friend Kocho Shinobu's butterfly garden. The cherry blossom trees were turning a lovely shade of pink and the petals were slowly spinning through the warm air. I caught one in my hand and looked it over. It was a nice shade of light pink on the edges and slowly faded into a darker pink on the inside.

I walked over to my favorite tree. It overlooked the training grounds, so I could watch the new demon slayers members train so I could see if they had the potential to become a Hashira like me. When I reached the trunk I heard something in the tree. I looked up and saw someone sitting on a branch with a good view of the training grounds. I smirked. 'Seems like he hasn't noticed me yet.' I thought as I jumped onto the branch he was sitting on.

"Nice view, isn't it?" I said it the person sitting next to me. He jumped in surprise and whipped his head around to face me. "God, you scared me Arashi." He said, turning back to watch the corps members train. "Hm, you should work on being aware on your surroundings if I surprised you! What if I was a demon? I wouldn't give you warning like that, Nensho." I said, also turning to watch the demon slayers.

"Anyways, what brings you to my favorite tree?" I asked him. This was my friend and fellow tsuguko under Kyojuro Rengoku, Nensho Yogan. Now this is the part where I always get a lot of questions. 'Arashi, don't you do Storm Breathing? Why did you train under the flame pillar? It would make more sense for you to train under the wind pillar or the water pillar.' Well, the thing is, I wanted to train under Rengoku-san. I liked him from a glance. He was like an older brother to me, one that I never had.

"Nensho, answer my questionnnnn!" I whined. He let out an annoyed sigh and turned his head back to face me. He has green-blue eyes and medium length dirty blond hair that almost covered his eyes. He wears a red and black mask on the lower part of his face, and it covers his neck and spills over his shoulders. He has a dark red and black haori over his uniform and has fingerless gloves on his hands. In the back, the same color belt straps fall out of his haori.

"I'm watching Giro train. There. Is that a good enough answer?" He said rolling his eyes. I sighed. 'I swear, it's like those two are always disagreeing with each other's opinions. Then, they finally come to an agreement about an hour later. Are they in a rival-friend relationship?? Because they are good friends.' I sighed. Too much thinking.

Giro Ashitaka is our other good friend who trains under Uzui Tengen. She has long white hair and has a gold circlet and a 'u' shaped gold hairpiece both given to her by Tengen. She has black eyes and wears a white and yellow haori over her uniform. Her uniform is a shirt with a window for the chest (like Mitsuri's) and a skirt. She has thigh high grey socks that she folds at the top. She then wears knee high black boots. She also has a 8-pointed yellow star on her cheek.

   "So..why are you watching Giro train..?" I asked curiously looking sideways at Nensho. He responded with "I want to fight her someday, and I want to win." He looked at my face and said quickly to my alarmed face, "Not an actual battle to the death! Just to see who's stronger." "Ooohhhhhh." I said, hearing Giro start walking over to where we were.

   Me and Nensho kept chatting as Giro hopped into the tree we were in. "Hey Giro! Nensho here was just talking about how he wants to kill yo-" I got cut off as Nensho smacked me on the face. "Shut up! I didn't say that! Anyways, don't listen to her." He said, pushing me off the branch. "..." Giro said nothing as she watched me hit the ground with an "oof".

"Rude much?" I called up from my spot on the ground. I sighed dramatically and sat up. I could hear them clear as day already arguing on what was better: ramen, or dango. 'Oi, these two..' I thought as my eye twitched and I looked up menacingly. The two on the branch shivered. "Why do I feel intimidated all of a sudden..?" Giro asked Nensho as Nensho also looked at her. "I don't know, but it's probably your fault!" Nensho said sarcastically as Giro puffed out her cheeks and shouted, "You idiot! Obviously it has nothing to do with me! It's probably your fault!" They then started arguing over that.

'Sigh. Did I make this worse somehow?' I jumped back onto the branch and said, "Alright, that's enough you two," while holding them by their heads to keep them from lunging at each other's throats. "At least take this to the ground? And not by my tree? Thanks." I said as it was my turn to push them out of the tree.

I watched as they went to their respective hashira's homes, arguing the whole way. 'They are so much work to take care of.' I thought as I leaned back and watched as the sun dipped lower in the sky. I thought about my family, and if I would see them again. 'It's been...what, six years since I last saw them?' My birthday had passed a few months ago, and I was 19 now. 'I wonder if they miss me..' I thought, then shook it off as I went to Rengoku's home. 'Who am I kidding, I was just a random kid that they took in. They won't miss me.'

??? POV

"Have you seen her recently?" I said, asking a certain annoying someone. "No, sorry. We haven't seen her ever since she went to Final Selection six years ago." He said, looking at me. "I do worry for her though. The demons could've gotten her." Another voice chimed in. "Don't say that!" I said, whirling around.

The first voice rolled his eyes and said, "She's right, but I do worry about her too." I sighed and walked away, needing a break from these annoying idiots.

'Arashi, where are you?'

Words: 1093

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