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"We should stick together, you're my best friend I'll love you forever." —You Get Me So High, The Neighbourhood

   THERE WERE THESE TWO BOYS THAT KEPT COMING BACK TO ANNOY ME. I was staying in a village called Ushinatta for a little while when I was six. I wore bandages over the left side of my face due to an accident that had happened four months ago.

   And two boys named Kioku and Omoide always made fun of me for it. I never had done anything to them, so it had confused me. I always fought back against them. Verbally, of course. They weren't mean enough to bash my skull in or anything. 

   They weren't siblings. Just a pair of close friends deciding to have fun. I can't blame them. But I couldn't understand their jokes and teasing comments, always taking them seriously. 

   Kioku and me were the same age while Omoide was seven.  They would always bother me. Every. Day. Eventually we seemed to start 'getting along'. They started shyly inviting me to join them in their games with the other village children. It was sweet, and the village elders loved it.

   I remember there was one day that I accidentally hurt Kioku. I found a rusty blade and began swinging it just for fun. It was a bit difficult but eventually had found a rhythm. Kioku and Omoide were trying to find me and when they did, they were a little scared of the blade.

   Now, me being the child I was, ran towards them excitedly. I tripped over my own feet and scratched Kioku just barely with the edge. He didn't cry or anything, just looked at me with wide eyes. I..had started sobbing and apologizing. Needless to say they were shocked.

   Then they laughed and hugged me, telling me that it was okay. I had never had friends before, but damn did they feel like the best people in the world. I ended up staying in Ushinatta longer than I expected. I grew up beside the boys. 

   When I was ten, I went to cut wood in the forest. I usually did it with Kioku and Omoide, but they were being whiny. The axe had slipped and I ended up with a huge gash from my elbow to my wrist. I ran back to the village (making sure I had the wood and axe) and got it cleaned and bandages fast.

   Kioku and Omoide saw me with the bandage on my arm and thus proceeded to bombard me with questions like the nosy boys they were. They then demanded me to not cut wood anymore and leave it to the 'big strong men' because they didn't want me 'cutting out' my heart next. 

   As annoying as they were at times, they really did care. We promised each other that we'd grow old together and stay friends forever.

   "..so why am I standing in front of two demons?" I asked in a flat tone. I was all over the place and all I could muster up was a cold attitude. The katana in my hand was shaking. 

   "Arashi, please, it wasn't our choice—" Kioku was cut off by blood streaming out of his mouth. Blood dripped off of my katana. "Shut it. I don't want to hear it." I closed my eye and turned my head away, fighting tears. 

   "Go." I turned my back to them. "But—" Omoide tried. "I said go!" I shouted at them. "I have missions to get to." Kioku made a split second risky decision and grabbed onto my wrist. I turned to cut his wrist off, but Omoide stopped me. "Listen to us, Ame," he pleaded, using the nickname they gave to me all those years ago.

   "..fine." I swiped a hand over my face and sheathed my katana. Kioku wasted no time. "Can we go with you? Please? Just for a bit? We swear—" I cut him off again. "The other Hashira will punish me severely if they find out I'm traveling with demons."

   "They don't have to know." Omoide offered. "We can go with you durning the night and catch up to you when the sun sets once more." I opened my mouth to turn them down, but I hesitated. I grumbled and spun on my heel, beginning to walk away. "Fine."

   I could hear the overjoyed smiles on their faces and deadpanned. But a smile cracked on my lips after a minute. Kioku ran up to my left side while Omoide took the right. 

   That was about six months ago, before I had met young Kamado-kun. I ran into Kioku and Omoide many, many times after that. They always seemed excited to see me. 

   Talking with demons wasn't weird to me in the slightest. After all, I had lived with one for a month when I was four.

Words: 814

Double update!! You're welcome ~

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