If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them

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Marinette felt quite betrayed. Her cilivian life was seeping through the cracks of her hero persona. This was something she could not allow. Limping through the streets, she fed Tikki a cookie for her to regain her strength. Chat Noir was gone, so there was really only one thing she could do.

She needed to retrieve his Miraculous.

He had abandoned her in a dangerous situation, one where she could actually have died. He was obviously unfit for the ring, and she had a sinking feeling she knew who it was. Only one person could aid the liar when his partner needed him, to go gallivanting across Paris to who knows where. To look exactly like the model she once had a crush on, though that crashed and burned the moment he left her for Lila. There, she'd said it. 

Lila was the one who'd destroyed her life, who'd made the situation so bad she forced a true friend of Marinette's away and isolated her guitarist boyfriend. There was no way she'd get away with this, Mari would die to unveil the truth. To go back to the topic, she knew Chat was Adrien Agreste. This was, now that she thought about it, obvious. Once, he would have had a love for her. She knew that. But now, as Adrien, he was in a relationship with Lila. How that was possible, she had no idea, because she herself would rather die then kiss that snake. Speaking of snakes, she needed a friend to aid. Perhaps Viperion could help..

She hid in a small alleyway.

'Tikki, spots on.'

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Luka sat on his bed, strumming his guitar. He wondered about Marinette. Everyday his Melody was brutally beaten, for no other than revenge. If he had his way, he'd destroy every last one of them. What was the point, he thought. Her classmates once had a wonderful relationship with Melody. Perhaps the liar had helped. She'd revealed her classmates's true colours. 

Naturally, after voicing his opinion, Lila strung together a lie where the 'cruel' Luka threatened her with a beating because she was 'bullying Mari-trash', and was promptly kicked out of Kitty Section. 

He got up to get a drink of water. Walking up the stairs. Today, Juleka was at a band practice, away from Luka in the school. His mother was meeting/arguing with Jagged Stone on the whole father/kid thing, so he was alone on the houseboat.

Ladybug seemed to know this. She swung onto the deck, right in front of a surprised Luka. 

'Luka Couffaine! I need your help to defeat Uzi-san.'

He looked at the spotted heroine. 'Ladybug..'

She took his silence for something else.  'Luka, Viperion, Paris needs your help. I need your help.' Luka didn't mean it that way, he was concerned about Ladybug's wellbeing. She had more than a few bruises on her. 

'I'll help Ladybug. At least, Viperion will.' 

She smiled sadly. 'Not Chat though, he's gone. I'll be retrieving his miraculous later.' Luka was surprised, to say the least. 'Chat Noir? Are you sure?' She nodded. 'You should transform soon, or the akuma will destroy Paris. He is very powerful.'

Luka took the box, opening it and taking out the bracelet. He put it on, and Sass appeared.

'Ah, Luka. Parisians need our help, I suppose?' Luka smiled. He'd almost forgotten what it was like to have a kwami, it had been a while.

'Sass, scales slither!'

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Uzi-san frowned. Ladybug was a good hider, but he was having trouble tracking her. He could sense that she was near water, the Seine to be exact, but the waves and movement of the river put off his tracker. Sighing, he decided to scope out the area. His gun transformed into a sniper's one, and he leaped onto the rooftops. He set it up and lay down, deciding to pick off civilians one by one. He grinned slightly as he took down five without even blinking, watching Parisians scream as their friend suddenly disappeared- or was turned into a yellow orb, which was promptly sucked up by a gun. Whatever tickles your fancy, he supposed.

People never talked about it, but when you have absolute power and are looking for something (or someone), and you can't find them, what do you do? Every once in a while, Shadow Moth yelled in his head. 'Get the Miraculous! What are you doing? Go find them now!' It was a pain. The evil butterfly terrorist was also angry that his charge had not taken the Ladybug earrings when he could. 'She was lying right there! Why didn't you take it? I will take away your power! She was weak!' But that was the exact reason for him not taking them. Her battered form simply reminded him of himself, and he tended to show conscience when this occurred. It was almost as if he was no longer Uzi-san, but Tsukisawa once more.

He was just pondering this when his tracker began beeping madly. He turned around, surprised, just as a lyre hit his head and a yo-yo wrapped around him, throwing him off the building.

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Ladybug was quite beaten up, but she knew she was no match for Uzi-san by herself. Viperion was willing to aid her however, so she gave him his Miraculous and prayed nothing bad happened. They'd just caught up to the akuma. He had been scoping out the area with his sniper in a lying-down position, so he was clearly incapable of getting up and fighting quickly. Taking advantage of this, she and Viperion kicked him off the building. She felt quite bad, however this wasn't him. It was an evilized butterfly, and she needed to help.

'So, Uzi, the fight begins!' Viperion exclaimed. He was the charisma for both of them, however it wasn't going to last. He simply needed to cheer Ladybug up. 

Uzi-san simply grinned and got up. 'Bring it on!' His gun disappeared from the roof and reappeared in his hand. He began aiming at them far more precisely than before. He was in hunter mode, and wouldn't allow his prey to escape. His gun had changed from a sniper to a Sig Sauer and was much more accurate than before. Before, when the street was being destroyed, he had been aiming wildly, at anything that moved to regain ammunition. Now that he had enough from aiming at civilians, he could now aim far more precisely.

Viperion activated his Miraculous's ability just in case. 'Second Chance!' Now he could redo any mistakes, either by him or his temporary partner's. He leaped into the fray. Ladybug was fighting much more better now. With Tikki rejuvenated, she had more energy. Seeing an opening, she took it, ready to destroy Uzi-san's gun. He saw it, and, tutting, shot Ladybug. Her form was immediately coalesced into a floating yellow ball, which was eagerly sucked up by the gun. 

'Second Chance!' Going back five minutes into the past.

This time, he watched Ladybug as she fought. Noticing the tenses in her opponent. He watched her take the chance, and saw Uzi-san press the trigger. He quickly threw his lyre, and watched the shot rebound. Uzi-san narrowly dodged, by what some would call a hair's width. He growled, and shot at Viperion. He hid behind a car. 'Ladybug! Over here-' He could only watch as, Ladybug distracted, turned around, only to be shot by the akuma. 

'Second Chance!' Going back five minutes into the past, again.

He did the same thing. Watching and waiting. Blocking with his lyre. Some would call it cowardly, but for once Luka had no fighting spirit. He just wanted Ladybug to be safe, so he blocked direct attacks. He did have to use his Second Chance every once in a while- this enemy was a formidable foe. Finally, while the akuma was distracted (flying lyres did help, he supposed), Viperion pulled Ladybug behind a jeep. 'Ladybug, use your-'

'Lucky Charm!'

She spun up and around, her yo-yo flying into the air. With a whoosh, a paintball gun appeared in her hands, along with a box of paintballs. She looked around and saw the akuma's sunglasses, his gun (or, to be precise, the nozzle), the paintballs and paintball gun, a nearby tree and Viperion. 

She smiled. 'Viperion, distract Uzi, will you?' He smiled back. 'OK then Ladybug, just don't get hit.' 'No worries, after all, if you can't beat them, join them.'

And with that parting gesture, she immediately started to load the gun.

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Author's Note: I am so sorry for not uploading, however after doing six chapters in a week, I kinda needed a rest ヾ(_ _*)

1427 words, dearie me

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