New Guy?

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Adrien stared at her. 'Milady, how? I'm innocent.. why did you do this. You did this. YOU DID THIS!' The boy gestured wildly at the destroyed Paris, the 'city of love'. 'More like the city of destruction,' he said, seeming to read her mind. 'After all, you did take my Miraculous. Sent me down a twisted path. Turned me from this.. into this..' Adrien looked down at himself. He suddenly transformed into a familiar figure. 'Chat Blanc..' she choked out. Terror was seeping from her every pore. 'NO, no, this cannot be. You're gone.'

'Oh, how are you so sure...' He threw himself at her, leaping at her. At herself.

The girl woke up just as his claws scraped her face, screaming. Screaming and screaming, but no one would hear her, as no one cared.

No one cared.

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She finished packing up, gasping still from the horrible nightmare she'd had that night. Chat Blanc had been back, and she couldn't stop it. She'd screamed and screamed until Tikki zoomed from her sleep to her and comforted the sobbing girl, while her parents yelled at her to shut up, it was the freaking middle of the freaking night, shut up shut up, until her kwami's and her mother and father's words just blended into one huge mix of anger, sadness, comfort. She'd cried herself to sleep in the end. It really didn't help that there was an akuma last night. The evil looking waiter guy had been yelling something about a date and kids these days. He was easy to take down, she supposed, but it was still forty-five minutes taken out of her night. She wondered whether Shadow Moth was nocturnal or something, or just hated going out.

Now, she was packing her bags. Honestly, she was facing a dilemma. It was a sick one. But she was still thinking about it. Would she though?

You see, she was contemplating self harm. Surely it wouldn't be so bad..

She zipped up her bag. Hopefully, the day wouldn't be so hard on her. There was a new student coming today, a student from Japan. Apparently, he had been at Paris for a few months on a scholarship at a school, but had left due to some complications, of which nature she didn't know. At any rate, he had arrived here, and the other classes had no spare spots for another person, so he was sent here, probably because their class was the only one with all of fifteen students. For once, she had worn something that wasn't black or monochrome.

Perhaps the people in the class put others off.

She left her home, putting on her airPods. Yes, she would take the long route today.

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After she entered school, she had her daily chat with Luka. He just helped her calm down, to be honest. They were just talking about Jagged Stone's horrid outfit choice for his concert (no, no matter what they say, orange and blue stripes DO NOT go together) when the liar and her friends walked in. She was hooked on Adrien's elbow. The sausage haired girl and the bluenette stared at each other. Then Alya tugged on Lila's jacket, asking about something, and Marinette somehow escaped a beating. Some could say it was almost.. miraculous.

Period 1. History. Also known as torture. After all, they were studying the Middle Ages, particularly Henry VIII. That meant, while Ms Bustier wasn't looking, she'd get hit by crumpled worksheets and flying pencils. She swore up and down, if she had had someone to swear to, that one of these cursed pencils would one day land pointy end in, if you knew what she was talking about.

Period 2. PE. Dodgeball. It really didn't take a genius to guess what was going to happen. Even the people on her own team pegged her 'by accident'.

Lunch. Tripping over a foot. Spilling her lunch everywhere (why, why did they have spaghetti bolognaise? why???). Having to get the janitor to clean it up. Apologies and sympathetic glances from about the cafeteria. In the end, as no one from her class would help, Wayhem helped her to the bathroom while Aurore helped her clean her jacket. Said jacket was long gone, but the sweater underneath had escaped the pasta fiasco unscathed. The same cannot be said for her leggings, but Marinette had prepared a spare pair of jeans for this exact scenario.

Period 3: Math. No, algebra was not fun. She didn't think people would actually need to learn what 2(3x+4) over whatever times whatever minus whatever, etc. Like, no, we do not need to learn how to expand numbers in real life, thanks very much and have a nice day.

Period 4: English. Yes, Jane Austen is very interesting. So is Charles Dickens. Really, had the teachers never heard of nice, entertaining books? Like, do they know who Suzanne Collins was? Have they ever heard of Rick Riordan? Hell, she'd settle for a Roald Dahl, as long as she didn't have to read A Tale Of Two Cities again.

Break. Lila and her 'friends' were talking in the locker room. Something about homework. Marinette couldn't care less. 

Period 5: The Arts. For once, a fun subject. Here, she could sew to her heart's content, and as Lila had chosen a different subject, she could make clothing with kids from other classes! Who knew Mireille was into knitting scarves? Really, her class was wonderful.

But Period 6 really shook things up.

Geography, when the new boy came.

They were in the middle of class when there was a knock on the door. Principal Damocles came in. 'Miss Bustier, the new student is here. His name is-'
The boy swept in. He had deep blue hair, like Marinette, somehow neatly tousled, and deep brown eyes. He was wearing a white knitted sweater and jeans. There were several braided bracelets on his arm, with a silvery watch on the other. He looked up shyly.
'Hello. I-I am the cousin of Kagami Tsurugi. Some of you might know her?..' He looked around. Marinette's mouth was wide open. He noticed this, and filed it away in his head. He continued, with traces of an Asian accent around his words. 'My name is Tsukisawa. Tsukisawa Kimura. Nice to meet you all. I hope we can all be friends.'

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Well then! Doesn't he seem familiar. I've mentioned him before, in fact. He does have a.. treasured object.. maybe it was a blade?
On the other hand, I just wrote two chapters in a day., so sorry if this chapter isn't as good as the others. I have been writing for about two hours and a half. It's ten pm here, and in five minutes I will pass out on my bed.
See y'all, and have a good one!

1135 words

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