Snippet #2: How'd The Date Go?

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WARNING: this snippet has scenes of two 'particular' people, namely a liar and a model. If you dislike Liladrien, I strongly advise you to skip this snippet.

This snippet revolves around the period of time after the chapter Stripped- remember how Adrien was longing for his date? Well, as I can't put it into a chapter without a good reason, let's just read on, shall we? 

Adrien was late. Late for a date, to be precise.

It was 8:43, the date with Lila had been thirteen minutes ago, and he was all but doomed. Frantically digging throughout his wardrobe for the perfect outfit. He was planning on wearing.. just something nice, to be honest.

After Ladybug stripped him of his Miraculous, his whole world came crashing down. He horribly missed Plagg, due to the kwami's cockiness and sense of humour. Besides, what the heck was he going to do with the fifty-six antique cheeses still hidden in his room? Adrien sighed. He brought out a smart blazer with accents, and changed.

Several minutes later (his father had taught him the art of changing quickly, he didn't think about it much), he stepped out of the bathroom. He had brushed his hair, so it was slightly less unruly than usual. He was wearing a smart navy blue blazer with matching gold accents and tie, with trousers. A He stared at himself, then called Gorilla. 'Placide, it's time to go. Drive me to Riche Seulement please.' Placide only nodded. He was not a man of words.

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Lila sighed, texting on her phone. Adrien was late, horribly. The waiter had been eyeing her for the past five minutes, as she had been here for twenty minutes already and hadn't ordered anything. Riche Seulement was a resturant known for its amazing food and surprisingly filling meals, but it was far from cheap. Really, that was an understatement. She was glad she was dating Adrien, otherwise she would have to sell her laptop and phone- and that was if you even managed to get a seat. Considering the fact this place had such a good dining experience, to reserve alone amongst the elite- well, let's just say she was obviously not popular with the people waiting in line outside.

Like she cared though. Adrien would blow them many times over.

Really, she was quite surprised about the whole thing. Adrien was easy to win over once she told some realistic lies and truths- like how he had been selected to model with him due to her closeness with Gabriel Agreste (true), how she had been handpicked from a hundred others due to her 'standing out' (the boy hadn't asked about how, for some reason, even though she'd literally said it off the top of her head) and her high status (technically true, no one need know about her mother being an ambassador instead of the Minister of Foreign Relations), and so on. The boy was naive enough to be wrapped around her finger within a matter of weeks. That, at least, shattered Marinette enough for a few days. Although not enough, these friends of hers would need more than a few lies to turn them. She giggled.
'Mademoiselle, are you staying here or not? We have people waiting. If you are not ordering, please leave.'
She looked up. The waiter from earlier was at her table, and.. let's just say, he was not cooling down any moment soon.   'Mademoiselle, do you hear me? I simply must insist-' A hand clapped on his shoulder. The man looked up to see a blonde-haired teen looking at him. 

'Sir, are you staying here or not? I am waiting. If you are done, please leave.'

It was evident by the boy's tone that he had heard every scrap of the conversation, and had proceeded to fling it back into the waiter's face.

'Sir, do you hear me? I simply must insist.'

The waiter, swallowing anger, nodded curtly. 'Indeed, sir. Enjoy your date.' The sarcasm was so thick, you could have used a butter knife on it.

Adrien nodded. He smirked in Lila's direction. 'Don't worry, Lila. I have it under control. Meanwhile, sir, please leave.'

The waiter, who had been around the table observing the chat, left in absolute annoyance, entertaining thoughts of murder, and oh, why is he here? He should have joined that cafe his friends recommended him to, not this stuck-up excuse of a place-

Meanwhile, the two 'lovebirds' smiled at each other.

'Well then, Lila my dear. Let us enjoy our date.'

'Oh Adrien, I thought you'd never ask..'

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Several hours later, with full stomachs and joyful dispositions, walked along the bank of the Seine, kicking rocks into the river and laughing. Adrien was thrilled the date had been a success, while Lila was thrilled Adrien was hers. 

At last..

'Mhm? Lila, what did you say?' The teen looked at her. She hadn't realised she'd said that out loud. 'Oh, I said.. that's fast! Like, it's only been a few hours! It felt like minutes!' Her boyfriend laughed. 'Alright.. well, want me to slow it down?' he inquired. 'W-what do you mean?' she asked. This was something she was rather surprised to hear. Well, at least she seemed she was- the stutter made her falsity complete. 

Her train of thought stopped abruptly, though, as Adrien swooped her into a kiss. She was stock-still for a bit, true emotions breaking through. Then the mask slammed back on. She gave him a kiss back. 

It's done, Adrien.. You're mine..

As if to prove her point, he deepened the kiss.

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Adrien collapsed in bed. He'd just done stuff that.. well, he wasn't exactly proud of, not going to lie. No, not.. that, but, you know, he could now tick 'passionate kissing' of his bucket list. He did truly love Lila.. somehow. He wasn't too sure why, but at the beginning of the year, he'd kind of disliked her. So did Marinette, but seriously, he had told her to take the high road, right?? At any rate, he loved Lila. Simple as that. Sacrifices had to be made. People had to be hurt- if Marinette didn't approve, so what? He loved her, and she surely loved him back. He fell asleep, dreaming of love and.. well, yes, girls.

Meanwhile, a furious akumatized waiter raged through Paris.

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Lord, this took forever, haha! Apologies for the Liladrien, but this was a necessary choice. For this fanfiction, it should hopefully be 20-25 parts long or so?... I did upload these two snippets close together. A snippet will hopefully come every 3-5 chapters or so, hurray! Next chapter.. well, let's just say we'll have a peek into Marinette's school life, and who knows? Someone new might be joining the class... Not to mention, I will be uploading every week for those who missed it. Maybe twice if y'all are lucky!

1133 words

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