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"what the fuck?" 

I said as I watched my grandma and Martha talk to each other.  Martha ran up to me and hugged me. " Oh I'm so glad you are okay, I thought you got hurt because you weren't walking with Chloe." She told me as if she really did care. "It's a  Wednesday, on Wednesdays I don't walk with her." I said as I lightly pushed her off of me.

I just sighed as she went back to my grandma and I went to my room. My room was in the basement, which meant I could hear everything. I started to do my homework when I heard something under my bed. I chuckled "ghost come out." I smiled when I saw my dog shuffle out from under my bed.  She jumped up onto my bed and licked me all over. I laughed as she did this. I pushed her off of me and got to my desk to do my work. I worked for hours until I heard my name being called.  I rushed up stairs and came into the kitchen.
"Yes ma'am?" I said coming up the stairs.

"Walk Martha to her car please." Grandma sighed she gave my a look that said 'get this bitch out my house.'

As I walked Martha out of my house she started to cry. When we got to her car she pulled me into a hug.
" I'm sorry." She said over and over again. " What are you talking about?" I looked at her confused and pushed her away from me. " I-i was in that bathroom, I saw him- I saw what happened. I tried to stop him, i-i really d-did, but he," she paused to show me the cuts and bruises." I left and saw you go into the bathroom, I tried to get you to stop, but-" she broke into tears I pulled her into me. I stroked her hair. "It's okay." I said "NO!" She pushed me, " do you don't see yourself, look at what he did to you, what he did to that girl!" She paused, " can you come over please, I don't want to be alone." She looked up at me. I felt really bad. I always thought of her as a whore, someone who hates everyone, but she cares. I smiled slightly, I didn't want to be alone as well.

"I'll  tell my grandma." I said as I walked over back to my house and told her. "Becareful, you know how the langdons can be." I sighed, she hated Martha's family, I went to group therapy with her brother tate, and I of course told my grandma some stuff he and I talked about.

I walked back to her car. "Are you sure you want me to come, to be honest I thought you didn't like me."
I told her as I look outside of the car. 
"You're the only one who knows about it so. " She kept her eyes on the road. I could see the tears threatening to spill.

Once we got there we ran into her room trying to not get caught by her brother. Once we got to her home she jumped onto her bed. She chuckled slightly. I watched her chest go up and down.

"Y/n?"  I turned around and saw Tate at the door, shit.

"Uh, Tate hey!" I said nervously. He just stared at me, then at Martha. "Go away weird fuck!" Martha threw a pillow at him. He caught it and threw it back at her. He smirked and walked away. " He an freak show!" Martha groaned. I laughed it off. "How does he know you?"  She turned to look at me. "Group therapy." I shrugged. She sat up "whatcha wanna do know?" She asked " I don't know." I walked over to her desk. "No, nope we're not doing homework!" She pulled menback onto the bed. " I'll call Chloe and then we can all hang out!" She looked happy to have me here. "Okay." I sighed thinking it would be fine.

God was I wrong

(Thanks for reading 💃)

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