Chapter 1: I don't know what to call this chapter, meeting up I guess?...

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Oliver and Willow were both in Oliver's office. Oliver was experimenting with his typewriter, and Willow?
Willow was reading the daily newspapers: Daily dose of everyday life! At least that was what I think she was doing?
"O-Oliver? D-don't you think t-there aren't any m-mysteries to solve lately?" she stuttered.
"Mmm, maybe something big is going to happen. A mass murder perhaps? No, maybe even better. An invasion- "
Just as he finished came a knock on the door of their office, the type of hurried knock. Like they didn't want Oliver's help in the first place, but needed it anyway.
And of course I was right.
An Elegant woman, dressed fancily. Her haired tied up in a bun, straight posture, eyeing her surroundings as she went in. The woman married, by her ring. Wealthy, by the fabric of her dress, laced collars, silver buttons and the ring's material which would be bronze.

A young man entered just after her. About18-20, also fancy dressed, taller than Willow, frowning and by the looks of it. Didn't want to be there as much as the woman did. He isn't her son, much more of a ward.

"Ah, Mr. Oliver Smith" The woman said. "I am Mrs. Evans, and my ward Charles Anderson. You may call him Charlie and he shall explain why we have come here."
She said sitting down on a chair facing Oliver and crossed her hands. Charlie reached out his hand to Oliver and they shook.
"Yes, as my governess has said I will be the one to explain. As you know the mansion on Houdini hill? Yes, that's our house, and well there have been some thefts going on and about, the thief is still at it. Will you come and help?"
Oliver sat there staring at the ceiling.
"So why should I help you?" he asked.
"We'll pay mounds of gold if you can figure out who the culprit is. Also, you're the only detective that can solve complicated cases such as this." Charlie replied.

"I don't care for the money, although I am quite interested. May I ask a few questions? Yes? Number one, have you got any siblings? Two, any parent's that passed away?"
" Oliver said swiftly while he was spinning around in his chair.
"Two siblings, older and younger sister. Nope, both my parents are alive. My younger sister's stuffed animals have been stolen, My older sister's childhood toys and some of my clothes. There have been reports of the servants hearing talking in the middle of the night, and chains too. They heard chains rattling just outside their door. It's like someone wants to trap them in." He answered.

Oliver was impressed by the way Charlie answered him quickly, and he thought that he liked the kid.
"We'll take the case" he said without hesitation.
"We?" Mrs. Evans questioned.
"Did I forget to mention my associate? Oh, well this is Willow my assistant." He gestured to the chair beside him.
The two thought he was joking and laughed.
"Oh Mr. Smith, there's nobody there!" Mrs. Evans chuckled politely.

"Of course there isn't Mrs. Evans. He was only joking" Charlie said.
"Was I?" Oliver asked.
The two went silent, and laughed awkwardly.
"I think that's quite enough with the jokes. We should take this case seriously shouldn't we?" Mrs. Evans questioned

"Oh but I am quite serious, quite serious indeed. You're the ones taking my assistant lightly."

Oliver frowned.
Just then the figure of a woman began to appear in the chair where he gestured at.
"P-pleased to m-meet you're a-acquaintances" Willow stuttered.
Unfortunately for Mrs. Evans, she fainted easily by the sight of this harmless entity. Fortunately for Charlie, he only squeaked in shock.
"I wasn't expecting that" Charlie mumbled.
"Of course you didn't. Now on with the inspection!-
And for Mrs. Evans, Someone will have to carry her."
Oliver paused. "That would be Charlie"
"No way am I carrying that old hag!"

Charlie cleared his throat, there was silence and the world went back to being troublesome again.
"I mean, I will not carry my governess back home. She is far too heavy for my own weight, and anyway I am not but mere child. I should think Mr. Smith should do the carrying, he is a grown, strong man after all?"
He looked at Oliver and thought to himself , "I did it, I just outsmarted a detective".
"W-well, I suggest t-that we vote o-on majority"
Willow butted in.

"Great idea Willow, all in favor of Charlie to carry the old hag, kindly raise your hands." Oliver snickered.

Only one hand was raised, Oliver's. Charlie tried to maintain seriousness but snorted anyway.
"Alright, all in favor of me to carry the woman, hands up please" He continued.

Two hands shot up, someone sighed and off they went to where the crime occurred. You may have already guessed the two hands that shot up are Willow's and Charlie's, the person who sighed was none other than Oliver.
The scene shifted to the entrance of Charlie's house. Mrs. Evans lay on the sidewalk, still unconscious. Oliver gasping for air, Willow sitting beside Mrs. Evans and Charlie ringing the doorbell.
"That was quite a workout" Oliver said, as he finally got air on his lungs.
Charlie rang the doorbell and an old man in a suit answered, with a towel and a circular tray in one hand and the doorknob in the other. Oliver guessed it was one of the butlers...

he guessed right
"Master Charlie, welcome back." The old man said, as he peeked a little at the other people beside Charlie.

"And guests I suppose?"

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