Chapter 9: Sad stories... and lunch

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Willow and Oliver called for a taxi. They told the taxi to hurry up to the police's office. (Honestly though, I don't know what the fuss is all about. Oliver also told me that Willow flies faster than the taxi. Good for you Willow, you got your first compliment from Oliver)

When they arrived, they immediately asked for an appointment with Mr. and Mrs. Evans. The receptionist told them they had to wait until she calls them. They ended up waiting for an hour.

While waiting:

"What is wrong with these people?" Oliver muttered, annoyed.

"b-be patient" Willow told him. She gave him a coffee. It was five in the morning.
They both sipped their coffee cups and waited for a bit. Willow even fell asleep at some point. Oliver however, had his eyes wide open. Going crazy about thinking if he was right or wrong.

"Mr. Smith and Ms. Willow! You are now called for your appointments with Mr. and Mrs. Evans! Please report to their cells! And also don't forget to ask me for the key! Thank you!" the receptionist said.

Oliver yanked Willow's arm and ran to the hallway. Poor sleepy Willow was startled by all of this. Oliver took off to fast that the coffee Willow was holding flew into her face, the coffee (fortunately) was only warm.
Willow screamed and Oliver let go of her, which made her fall on her bottom.(Oliver probably thought "Karma strikes"
Willow: He what?!
Oliver: I never actually said that, the author made that up remember?

Willow: Knowing you, you would probably think that too.

Author: Well, let's leave them to it)
Oliver forgot to get the key from the receptionist, so he ran back and quickly asked her for it.
"Can I have the key please?" He said, panting.
"Y-yes, of course Mr. Smith" The receptionist gave him a horrified look, and gave him the key.
When Oliver ran back, Willow who was still on the floor tripped him.

(Oliver: You already got even with me!

Willow: I suppose...
Author: I believe I also heard him call you a stupid ghost at some point.
Willow What?!
Oliver: Whose side are you on?!
Author: Nobody's I am merely telling the truth. Back to the story!
Oliver: No- Help me!)

Oliver tripped and fell. When he fell, he hit his head and got knocked unconscious. The people in the waiting room looked at them, some laughing, some shaking their heads and some standing up and wondering if they needed any help.

And they did, two kind men dragged Oliver to one of the waiting room seats. Willow followed behind them, wrapped around a towel. A few hours passed (three hours to be specific) until Oliver woke up.
When they did, Oliver immediately began to walk towards the cell where Mr. and Mrs. Evans were.
"Mr. Smith, please sit down. You still need rest" The receptionist told him.
"Y-yeah, Oliver. W-we can visit C-Carlton and Mrs. E-Evans later" Willow said, yawning.
"I'll be quick" He assured them.

The women relaxed, and Oliver went back to walking. He already had the key to the cell, so he didn't need to worry.

He unlocked the door and sat down on the chair that was put inside the room for when guests like himself visit. (To give you a vivid image of the room: It was well lighted, Mr. and Mrs. Evans shared a room, there was a separate room for their toilet and shower, there were bars to separate the visitors from the prisoners. The bars that divided the room were thick.)

"Have you figured it out?" Mr. Evans said, sitting down looking at Oliver.
"You're ghosts to aren't you?" Oliver asked.
"Bingo!" Mr. Evans clapped and cheered.

Oliver and Mr. Evans sat there for a moment, there was silence. Loud silence. Oliver heard footsteps outside and unlocked the door, it was only Willow.

"Wha-what did I-I miss? Willow asked, sitting down beside Oliver, crossing her legs in an elegant position.

Oliver explained everything to the both of them, (Obviously the author is too lazy to write about this part as we are almost over

with the story.) about shadowy figures and ghosts and spirits and stuff. Mrs. Evans was asleep on her bed.

"W-whoa, that's a lot of stuff going on t-there" Willow said, her eyes wide and she was making a face.

"Indeed, it is a long tale to tell" Mr. Evans said with a sigh.
Mrs. Evans woke from her incredible slumber (as she liked to say)
"What is all this all this noise about?!"Mrs. Evans exclaimed, with an exclamation mark

Willow told Mrs. Evans what had happened when she slept, which wasn't much.
"S-sorry if w-we were noisy" Willow apologized.

They all sat there looking at each other awkwardly. Until Oliver spoke.

"Oh also..." Oliver pulled out a toy from his pocket. " I believe, this is yours" He gave it to Mrs. Evans from outside the bars.
Mrs. Evans's face fell, and she looked at Oliver.
"Where did you get this?" she asked ,her voice cracking.
"Eh, I found it in the basement, Charlie said he doesn't have that kind of toy, so did his sisters. I figured it would belong to the children but, they said it wasn't theirs. So it is yours." Oliver said, his tone made him seem tired, and he was.
Mrs. Evans held the toy gently in her hands, it was a little lion or tiger or animal of some sort. You couldn't tell because the face paint
was gone.
Mr. Evans patted Mrs. Evans's back (No words for this) and hugged her.

"This was supposed to be our child's toy lion. ( I knew it) " Mrs. Evans said, she was about to say something else when she stopped and cried on Mr. Evans shoulder.
"Well, you see." Mr. Evans paused and looked at her wife, and continued. "Claire was pregnant before she died, but a bunch of dirty crooks put our house on fire, we both died there. In the mansion"
"Y-you mean, y-you were the l-last owners of the A-Anderson's mansion?" Willow asked, astonished and curious.
Mr. Evans nodded and smiled sadly. Now Oliver and Willow know the real reason they did the crime, every criminal or villain has reasons to kill or steal or commit arson, that made them turn that way. But there are some people who do these things for fun and for their pleasure.
(Wow, I've become smart)
Oliver and Willow decided to say their goodbyes and head home when...
Mr. and Mrs. Evans began to fade, a spirit fades from their world when they are ready to leave.
"Thank you Mr. Smith, for solving our case" Mrs. Evans said, she smiled and waved goodbye. They held hands and faded completely, leaving the little toy, Oliver and Willow behind. Willow wiped a tear from her eyes and smiled.
"T-that was v-very touching" She stood up.
Oliver stood too, confused, perplexed, touched. He had mixed emotions at that moment.
"Where do we head next Willow?" Oliver said unlocking the door and letting Willow pass first.
(What a gentleman he's become.

Oliver: Are you mocking me again?!
Author: I meant that sincerely

Oliver: That's the first time you've been nice to me, it felt weird
Author: You're welcome)
"T-to lunch" Willow said happily, as if nothing sad had happened that day.
"Great, I'm starving" Oliver said, his stomach rumbled in agreement. "Taxi!" He called out, once they were on the sidewalk. (Did I mention, when Oliver calls for taxies in a hurry, the take at least five minutes to come to the sidewalk? And when he's not in a hurry, the taxi comes right away? Isn't that ironic or what?)
They got in the taxi.
"W-what do y-you fancy? I fancy some waffles" Willow asked.
"I fancy some steak, let's go for waffles. The Waffle house please?" Oliver said to the driver.
They ate waffles that day, knowing two souls went to their happy place. When will the next crime be? No one knows. (P.s I just got a call from Oliver, He said soon) Every story will reveal something about the author. This time it's her gender: Oh dear, I already said it. Well, I bid you goodbye until the next crime

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