Chapter 4: Kinder garden fun... and some huge schools featured.

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Willow had woken up happily without anyone disturbing her only to find Oliver missing from the office they were in. Turns out, he had gone into the shed and borrowed a chainsaw. (What do the Andersons need a chainsaw for?)

The same routine went on again: Oliver called the staff for a meeting and dismissed them (except for Mrs. Evans, Carlton the butler and the laundry maid.)
So he asked them a couple of questions like:
"Who brings little Dotty to school every day?" He asked them.

"I do, Mr. Smith" Mrs. Evans said "But when I can't bring her to school, Carlton does."

"Interesting..." Oliver muttered. "When Dotty misbehaves what do you do?" he questioned them.

"Well usually the mistress (Mrs. Anderson) would take charge if it was very serious, other than that. She only gets lectured." Carlton told Oliver.

"I see" Oliver clapped his hands together. "Well, you are all dismissed. I seem to have appointments with ten year olds. Can I ask you to take care of this?" Oliver handed Carlton the little chains Dotty gave him.

"It would be a pleasure" Carlton frowned as the rust went into his hands.

"Let's go Willow, the children are waiting" Oliver walked to the front door.
Willow followed behind him and went outside first.

"And please, do change the bedding. It stinks" Oliver told the laundry maid last, as he closed the door behind him.

"W-was that really n-necessary?" Willow asked.

"Yes, Taxi!" Oliver shouted and turned back to Willow.

"I'm not quite sure but it has to be one of the three. Carlton, Mrs. Evans or the laundry maid. We need to double check who really did it by asking the..."

"Victims!" Oliver cheered in front of the children. They were all dressed nicely now, without any blood on their limbs.

Willow looked at Oliver and sighed, she probably thought:
"Seriously, who would shout in front of traumatized children?"

"Now, tell me children. What did the criminal look like?" Oliver asked.

Only one of the children spoke, Tommy Thompson (one of the Thompson twins, the other twin's name was Timmy. They are identical twins.)

"Criminal?" Tommy asked. "You mean criminals right?"

(Ps. The other children's names were, Annie Elliot, and Greggory Giovanni. Their nicknames were Anny and Greg)

"Just answer the question- "Oliver said and paused. "What do you mean by 'Criminals'? "

"There were two of them weren't there?" Tommy asked.

Willow's eyes widened she turned to Oliver, and she said "Two!? Oliver you told me there was only one"

"I SAID, I wasn't sure" Oliver said clearing his throat.

"What kind of detective isn't sure about stuff?" Timmy interrupted and sniggered.

Oliver shot a dirty look at him and went back to asking Tommy about the criminals. (Oliver told me that Tommy was the only useful victim, so there Timmy. Try to be useful like your brother and answer Oliver's questions.)

Did Timmy get scared of Oliver's face? No. Did he wiggle his hands and stick his tongue out at Oliver?


Oliver ignored Timmy and went back to Tommy.

"Please excuse my brother, he lacks manners." Tommy said. Timmy rolled his eyes.

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