she's not afraid 17

317 8 1

Lillian's POV

"WAKE UP PRINCESS" a cute irish voice shouts

"im up leprechaun"

"yay were here" louis shouts

"lets go hun" aubrey says

I get all my bags but 1 bag is missing its the heavist where it it.

'niall where's my bag the heavy one"

"oh its with me princess im bringing it"

"you sure nialler"

"yes princess come on"

such a gentleman. I get out of the plane and see these teenagers wearing costumes and they have a big board saying ' WELCOME TO AFRICA 1D' they are so creative and there were small children running around.cutey!!


You're a good soldier

Choosing your battles

Pick yourself up

And dust yourself off

Get back in the saddle

You're on the front line

Everyone's watching

You know it's serious

We are getting closer

This isn't over

The pressure is on

You feel it

But you got it all

Believe it

When you fall get up, oh oh

If you fall get up, eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

Cuz this is Africa

Tsamina mina, eh eh

Waka waka, eh eh

Tsamina mina zangalewa

This time for Africa" a little girl sings the song

all of us applaud they were so good at dancing and the little girl is so good at singing. she has no hair but she is beautiful. all of us girls go to the little girl while the boys they go the dancers. I bend down and hold the little girl's hand she is so skinny.

"hi my name is lily what's yours" she looks like she dint understand me finally she annswers

"im hadiya did you like it?"

"i loved it"

"ya you should join a contest" jessie says

"you think sho" hadiya asks

"i know so sweetie" bella says giving her a hug

"group hug!" olivia shouts

we all hug her and she gives us a big smile. someone taps me on my shoulder I turn around and see niall and the rest .

"come on princess were going"

"niall 5 more minutes stay with me"

"ok so i see you met someone who is so cute "

"her name is hadiya"

"hi hadiya im niall" niall says hugging her

"hi niall is she your wife" she asks,all of us girls were laughing

"no not yet she's just my girlfriend"

"ohh ok i need to go now nice meeting you i love you"

"we love you hadiya" we all shout except for the other lads

we all ride a rnage rover since we dint fit. I sit on niall's lap , bella sits on harry's lap and olivia sits on zayn's lap. niall's playing with my hair then he pulls me to his shest and he kisses me on the head but olivia and zayn is kissing finaly i never saw them kiss. we all cheered and they pulled away. olivia gave ma a death glare.

We get to a hotel its actually really nice we get out off the car and get our bags. I go to paul since he has the key of the room he gives it to me. I grab nial's hand and he got my plan. we run to the elevator and after 10 minutes there we finally get i n the flat. I put our stuff in the biggest room they have. niall's looking for food in the kitchen. while I prepare my stuff I hear a 'BANG'

I run out of the room and see niall on the floor with a cut on his arm I am freaking out



"LIAM LOUIS HARRY ZAYN" I hout at the top of my lungs. i could see the blood coming out of his arm now im crying i get my phone my hands shaking liam

"liam niall f-fainted he-help mm-me"

"ok i'll be there" liam says


"IM HERE WHAT-" Liam says

the other lads follow and I go to the corner crying. I hear the lass come up and aubrey's rubbing my back.

"its ok hun niall will be ok" aubrey says

"ya bebz zayn got the medical people" olivia says

"i dont know what happened" I say crying even louder

"liz  there's no medical" liam says

"what?!" jessie says

I go to the room and see a medical kit. atleast they have this I run out and get niall's arm I put this liquid thing then put a huge band-aid. I couldnt stop crying then louis rubs my back

"its ok liz" louis says

"what happened" harry asks

"i was in the room preparing the s-stuff then n-niall t-told me he would get food"

"then.." zayn asks

"i heard something fall it was niall and I think when he fell he cut his arm with this knife"

"he's gonna be fine this happned a year ago"  liam says

"i hope so..."

the lads carry him to the bed in our room I sit down beside him and I play with his hair. I turn around since someone text me

*aubrey: we just got food in the canteen he'll be ok hun*

*lily: ok can u get food for us and thanks bebz*

someone holds my hand and se niall sitting down. I hg him and kiss him on the cheek lots of times

"niall omg never do that to me again"

"im sorry arm hurts"

"i put a band-aid on it you'll be ok"

"thank you princess" he hugs me and kisses me on the lips the kiss became longer and longer

"WERE HERE NIALL YOUR UP!!" harry shouts

"ya hazz im up"

"lets carry niall" louis shouts

they carry niall in celebration and aubrey and jessie sit beside me and give me a pack of chips. niall winks at me which make's me blush I open the bag and start eating . jessie had a bigger bag and aubrey and I share. thank goodness gracious niall's ok oh my leprechaun.



@asecretphotographer tito teng fell kanina!! now he's in asian.


she's not afraid ( niall horan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon