she's not afraid 21

208 9 1

__________________________ 2 DAYS LATER___________________

Bella's POV

I wake up by my alarm which gave me a mini heart attack.  I sit up and play with harry's gorgeous curls.

someone opens the door and see Louis, he gives me a death glare as I continue playing with harry's curls.

"no one plays with the curls" he says, slapping my hand

"ow lou! and I kinda have the right to play with 'the curls'" I say while doing the quotation mark with my fingers

"no you don't" he says in a mean cheeky manner

"hey babe breakfast is ready niall and lily made pancakes, is anything wrong?" Aubrey asks while rubbing her eyes

"ya she is playing with curls" he says pointing at me

"babe she has the right to she's harry's girlfriend" Aubrey says

"fine im out of here come on love let go eat" he says, pulling Aubrey's hand

"there's breakfast if you guys wanna eat" she shouts

I try waking up harry since im hungry and I could smell the pancakes from here. I tickle his neck, his foot his waist and finally his knees. he opens his eyes and turns to me and smiles.

"hey gorgeous"

"hey handsome"

"hazz can we eat im starving" I say pushing him off the bed

"lets change first then we can eat" he says rolling his eyes

we get up I remove my pj's really fast I slip on my shorts and harry's hands were on my waist he kisses my neck I turn around and kiss him on the lips. someone opens the door and see lily and niall

"omg!! im sorry morning uhh..bye sorry" they  run out of the room

"hazz that's a sign we shouldn't yet" I say tapping his nose

"i'll just wait then"

we both get out of the room and I go ahead since im starving harry walks swiftly behind me. I get a seat next to Emily and I eat the pancake like I never eaten for a long time. everyone stares at me like I killed someone.

"why you guys staring at me" I ask

"did you, you know with hazz" jess asks her eyes telling me she want to know more

"no I didn't, even ask hazz"

"hazz did you guys ha-" Aubrey says but got cut off by harry

"no those kids disturbed us" hazz says pointing at niall and lily

"who kids" niall asks confused

"both of you are the kids" I say with my arms crossed

"fine then come on babe let's go to the living room" niall says, pulling lily's arm

"now about we stay in the kitchen and eat" lily says

"ohh..yeah lets finish all the food" niall says

they run to the kitchen and we all laugh at the. harry kisses my cheek, Aubrey and jess gives me the 'are you kidding' look at roll my eyes at them and we all go to the kitchen and see niall and lily on the floor holding ice cream. they look like little kids.

"if you finish the food here what will you do" Louis asks

"ohh..daddy Tomlinson" Aubrey says pocking his face

she's not afraid ( niall horan fiction)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon