Chapter 02: Sound Of The Soul

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The sound of Guqin [1] resounded on the earth as the snow gracefully fell from Heaven. The solemn music called out to nobody in particular but it enticed the two people who heard the piece.

The piece he played had no restraint, full of experience, and played skillfully.

Lan Xichen frowned in confusion at the piece his brother played. 'No emotions?'

The piece sounded excellent and pleasant to the ear but only those who are not an expert would call it that. However, for those who studied music from a young age, it wasn't the case.

"Lack sentiments," Lan Wangji stated the oblivious

Lan Xichen nodded in agreement before deciding to resume their walk to the hidden chamber in the bamboo forest.'

When they got there, the sight of Lan Wangxue sitting upright with a guqin on his lap horizontally greeted them as he was seen through the circle window frame. The smell of freshly made tea welcomed them.

Lan Wangxue expertly played the piece with his slender finger plucking on the delicate but sharp strings of his white guqin with his eyes closed. His serene look while doing so made the surrounding area seem blurry for a second before he opened his startling dark eyes.

Lan Wangxue didn't bother to know who it was that came to bother him again in his seclusion as he had already gotten used to it for the month.

"Xichen, Wangji." Land Wangxue called out absently from where he sat

The two boys in white and blue looked at him from the other side of the chamber and came to him. Lan Xichen had a soft smile on his face while Lan Wangji was stoic as always.

"Are you all done with your training?"

The two nodded in sync before deciding to sit on both sides of Lan Wangxue, both were curious about the piece he performed.

"Da Xiong, what was the piece just now?" Lan Xichen asked with interest while searching for any emotions in the youth's eyes.

The startling golden eyes reminded him of their mother very much at the moment. Outside of the seclusion of this place, he and Lan Wangji were known as the Twin Jade of Gusu because they looked almost identical to each other. However, if only they knew there was another person that looked identical.

Shaking his head out of his stupor, he listened attentively.

"Just a piece I wrote." Lan Wangxue answered

"Oh..." Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji didn't dare to pray any further and just went to read the book that was on the table. It was the same book they had read before they bit him goodbye yesterday.

They spend the day in comfortable silence.

⊱ ────── ○ ❖ ○ ────── ⊰

"Xichen... Wangji..."

The Jade Twin of Gusu looked up from their books and noticed their brother was holding something wrapped in white cloth. Two items to be exact. The older Jade tilted his head in curiosity whilst the younger Jade waited.

"What's in this, Da Xiong? Is it a guqin? It looked like a guqin..." Lan Xichen asked with interest

Lan Wangxue took a few moments of silence while his two brothers waited patiently before he started to unwrap the cloth. A wooden lacquer guqin appeared under the snowy white cloth, the strings were illuminating softly under the light of the candle. It included a pattern of cranes and clouds that was beautifully crafted in silver.

Lan Wangxue placed the exquisite instrument on his lap with a gentleness that was never seen before. His slender fingers traced the strings slowly while waiting.

"This..." Lan Xichen couldn't even say a word, he was shocked to see the guqin.

"Muqin [2] kept it in her room. I assume you knew where it was kept, right?"

The two could only nod at the question, their gazes never left the exquisite gupin. "Why do you have it?" Unexpectedly, it was Lan Wangji who spoke up first between them

Lan Wangxue graced his fingers over the gupin absently, "Muqin specially requested three guqins to be made for all of us but since you don't use guqin."

Lan Xichen giggled wistfully, "I remember Muqin used to say it was unfortunate but she will make one for me as well. However, the one I currently have was just for practice."

"That's why Muqin requested a Xiao [3] to be made. Here's yours." Lan Wangxue took out another wrapped long instrument. It was handed to Lan Xichen who wasn't able to comprehend what was happening.

Lan Wangxue ignored Lan Xichen as he knew the boy needed some time to unwrap and admired it. He turned to the youngest, his back facing Lan Xichen halfway. "Are you using the one you have right now for practice?"

Lan Wangji nodded dully.

Lan Wangxue let out an unnoticeable smile. "Then, this will be yours. Muqin has requested the guqin to be made with special wood and the strings are strong enough to not break under normal circumstances."

Lan Wangji received the instrument with an unthinkable mind as he wondered to their mother. Uneasiness made his word stuck in his throat, he wordlessly plucked the string.

'I will keep it safe,' A promise created in his mind

Lan Wangxue let the boys experiment with their new instruments as he watched from the sideline. He would occasionally help them when they chose the wrong notes or their posture was wrong.

"Da Xiong, can I ask something?" Lan Wangxue nodded for Lan Xichen to continue

"What is playing the piece from before representing to you?" He was curious and couldn't help it for long when he decided to say it.

He was sure his younger brother was staring at his back, intending to find reasons why he would inquire about such a sensitive topic. However, he can't take back his words right now.

Lan Wangxue was taken aback by the question and didn't notice his brothers were concerned and anxious. He spoke out the words at last but his thoughts were in turmoil.

"Music is not only performed for one to enjoy, but it also shows the hidden consistencies of the musician." He lifted his gaze to the falling plum flower in his courtyard, "The piece I played was the one that represents me for who I am. The one I created after experiencing the cruelty of the vast world under one loss."

There it was again. The gaze of emptiness that doesn't belong to the youth of a young age.

There was an uncomfortable silence before Lan Wangxue's clear voice broke it like a blade. "Xichen, Wangji. One day, you two will understand the real concept of the lingering of the soul. Now is not the time."

For a moment, the two Jade of Gusu saw a soft smile on their elder brother's face.

⊱ ────── ○ ❖ ○ ────── ⊰

Flowers bloom and wilt, fallen leaves gather
Maintaining grace and virtue with a desolated heart
Arisen from chaos, my sword soars out like a chilling gale
The music ends and crowds disperse, but my sentiments linger

- Asking the Zither

'If the sound of music can flow like rivers and streams into every corner of the land, perhaps the one soul who has gone before us would hear the lingering of one sentiment.'

[1] Guqin [古琴] A plucked zither-like stringed instrument (chordophone), traditionally featuring seven unfretted strings, originating in ancient China.

[2] Muqin [母亲] Mother

[3] Xiao [箫] Chinese vertical end-blown flute.

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