Chapter 03: Wound

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Once again, he found himself walking along the snow-covered trail of his small garden that withered due to the cold. Only the magnolia tree bloomed beautifully in the mid-winter of the Gusu Lan Sect.

Soft and white petals fluttered in the gentle breeze of the cold, causing him to shiver slightly from the wind. Whilst he was gently holding onto two white bunnies with the Gusu Lan headbands that were only sacred to the Lan Sect. His languish steps betrayed his confused heart as he ignored one of the bunnies that naughtily climbed onto another one in his secure arms.

'Why would ancestor Lan Yi give them to me?' He heaved a sigh at the remembrance of the ancestor that sealed herself in the cave of the Cold Spring.

"You don't deserve this, Wangxue. This isn't the burden you're supposed to bear!"

He let out a shaky breath as his steps halted at the end of the trail. Lan Wangxue looked at the two white figures waiting for him at the front of his chamber, "Xichen, Wangji."

His voice made the two jades look at him before giving a polite and perfect courtesy bow.

"Da Xiong," They greeted in sync

Lan Wangxue nodded his head, "Come inside."

He ignored the unhidden curious gaze of Lan Xichen and headed inside the chamber. The presence of his younger brothers was closed by as he let go of the two bunnies. He watched as the naughty one jumped happily around before setting itself near another one who was just sitting quietly. His gaze swept to Lan Xichen and Lan Wangji who were observing the two fluffy creatures.

Lan Wangxue watched his brothers before the scent of iron assaulted his sense of smell. With a sharp breath, he scrutinized closely between them and quickly noticed the oddness.

"Wangji..." His voice came out colder than intended, making the two stop their observation.

Lan Xichen openly flinched, his gaze went to his younger brother who was clenching his robe. He wanted to turn around and explain what had happened but his body wouldn't listen to him, as if they were afraid of what held in his elder brother's gaze.

"Wangji..." Once again, his voice called out the youth's name softly

The rustling sound of his robe moved before he crouched down to the boy's height. The bigger hand landed on Lan Wangji's shoulder, the subtle tremble was conspicuous to his touch. Lan Wangji let out a shaky sigh and turned around, his head hung low. Making him able to see the frown and concern in his elder brother's gaze.

"Let me see your arms." He let out his arms subconsciously under the commanding voice

Lan Wangxue gently took the arm and removed the sleeves, the sight made him almost lulled in fury. The white bandages were neatly handled but the blood can still be seen through, and he unwrapped the bandage and sucked in his breath.

Scars merry the skin of the exquisite porcelain arms in a gruesome way that Lan Wangxue's cold countenance cracked for a moment. He unknowingly tightened his hold on Lam Wangji's arms until a hiss was heard from the said boy.

Lan Wangxue released his hold and got up stiffly. His cold countenance was back in place but his eyes weren't so frigid to look at.

'I should have known this would happen.' Without another word, he took a jade bottle out of a rectangular wooden box and held out his hand patiently.

Lan Wangji looked into the same golden eyes and let out his arms again. This time, he was held gently or perhaps gentler than the first and watched as his brother put some kind of white powder on the wound and smeared it evenly, before wrapping the scars in a new bandage.

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