Sick | Pt. 1

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M! Yandere Doctor x F! Sick Reader

Y/n woke up with a sigh as she ran a hand through her (hair length) (hair colour) hair.

Today was officially her 6th month in hospital- well in her hospital room because she was never allowed out, not even once. She felt fine, she was just a little tired and dizzy.

She had been administrated in the first place because of a serious car accident. She suffered a concussion as well as two broken ribs, a broken ankle and a fractured spinal cord.

She doesn't remember much about her life before the crash, however her doctor, Dr. Forte had told her that it was perfectly normal and she would start remembering stuff as long as she took the pills he had prescribed to her.

Dr. Forte was her personal doctor. He was the only person that she had ever seen enter her room since she got administered 6 months ago.

She was suddenly interrupted by a loud knock, then the sounds of the door opening. "Morning Ms. L/n, how are you feeling this morning?" Dr. Forte asked.

Dr. Forte otherwise known as Louis Forte was a tall, lanky man in his early twenties. He had long, black hair that went up to his collarbone and a long fringe that would cover this eyes. But alas, he worked at a hospital so he had to tie it up. Only when his hair was tied into his signature low ponytail would you be able to see those eyes of his.

There was always something.. mischievous in those green eyes of his that Y/n couldn't quite put her finger on. The way he looked at her sent shivers down her spine, she did not like it at all.

"You answer me when I ask you a question, Y/n." He said, in a much more darker tone this time. Y/n nervously glanced up at the taller man.

"I'm fine, just a little tired." She barely managed to squeak out. "Good, here's your pills for today." With that, he opened his hand to reveal the two pills that Y/n was all too familiar with.

One was blue and one was red. She was required to take both, Dr. Forte never really told her why though.

"But I feel fine?" Y/n questioned. Louis' eyes darkened as he stared at the girl. "Just because you feel fine on the outside doesn't mean you've fully healed, Ms. L/n." His eyes lightened once again and he gave her a small smile, holding out his hand so she could take the pills.

She grabbed the two pills out of his hand and grabbed the glass of water in his other hand.

After she was done taking her medicine, she handed the glass back to Louis and sat back down on her bed.

"I'll be back later to check up on you again." Dr. Forte said before exiting her room and locking it from the outside.

There wasn't much to do. It was only a small room with her bed in the middle of the room and multiple machines on either side of the bed to monitor her heartbeat etc etc.

There was a small, white couch in the far end of the room with a small TV mounted on the wall opposite to it. There was also a door on the other far end of the room that led to a small bathroom. There was no windows in her room either, only air vents that let in fresh air.

The only "fun" thing to do was watch TV, but even then, multiple channels didn't work. She couldn't be stuck watching Cartoons all day. She felt stuck- suffocated.

And before Y/n realised it, she was crying. "Why are you crying?" She heard a voice call out to her.

Shocked, Y/n quickly wiped her tears and turned around to see Dr. Forte standing there. "It's nothing." She muttered under her breath.

"You can tell me Y/n." He said, approaching her and pulling her into a hug. Y/n started crying even harder. "I want to leave!" She yelled, but the shouts were muffled as her head was pressed firmly against his chest.

"You can't do that, my love." He whispered into her ear, "Your sick."

"I'm not, Louis. I feel fine!" She yelled, pushing him away this time. "You cant leave until I say you can, I'm your doctor Y/n." He replied calmly before making his way out of the room.

"I'll be back later when you've calmed down." With that, he left the room, being sure to lock it of course.

The moment he left, Y/n gripped her head from the throbbing migraine that had just hit her. She's been having them more often but didn't think much of it, but everytime they came back, they came back stronger than the last.

Y/n stumbled back to bed and got under her sheets. The cold wasn't helping with the migraine either. "Damn that air vent." She thought to herself.

For some reason, it only blew in cold air. Her room was always cold and uncomfortable, it didn't help that her sheets were thin too.

She laid there for a couple more minutes and waited out the migraine like she always did. It left her feeling extremely fatigued and dizzy.

She wanted to sleep but it was too damn cold. "Maybe if I block that air vent or something." She thought to herself.

Getting off the bed, she grabbed a small stool and placed it underneath the vent. She got on top of the stool and peeked into the vent. It was dark but she could feel a cold breeze on her face.

She could feel the headache return aswell, she needed to be quick with it. It didn't take long for her to figure out that the screws weren't installed that well. Most of them were loose or at least loose to the point that she could rotate it out.

Once she had removed all 4 nails that held the vent to the wall she removed the cover and peeped back into the vent.

This time, her headache came back tenfold and the pain was unbearable. She groaned in pain but was distracted by something in the vent.

She squinted her eyes and could make out- the colour red?

Reaching her hand into the vent, she grabbed hold of something solid. She felt around it and quickly found out that it was a circular shaped object, it was quite long too.

Reaching her other hand into the vent as well, she grabbed hold of the object and started pulling it out.

It was quite heavy if she was being honest. Once she had the object out she read the label.


It was a gas tank. And gas was pouring out from a nuzzle on top of the tank. She quickly turned the nuzzle to stop the gas from coming out.

Someone was slowly releasing methane into her room. No wonder she was so sick! So this was that cold air?!

Y/n started to panick, who could do such a thing? No one had been in her room except for..Louis.

"What are you doing on the floor, my love?"

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Hope you enjoyed! 

-1238 words


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