The Night Dweller

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Trigger Warning: Smut? ⚠️

"Grandma, why does mama say not to go outside after dark?" Ten year-old Y/n stared up at her grandmother from her comfortable bed.

Her Grandmother pulled the duvet up to Y/n's neck before stealing a glance at the big, rusty grandfather clock that rested in the corner of the room.

"Well my darling" she combed her wrinkled hand through the young girls hair as she continued, "I suppose we have enugh time before your bedtime so I guess I could tell you why."

The young girl eagerly stared up at her grandma. "It all started many, many years ago. Before even my great, great grandparents were born."

"There lived a chief that ruled over a small village called New Ford Bagley. The chief was a very fair man and loved all his people equally."

"A big forest, stretching acres and acres across separated New Ford Bagley and the village to the south of it. The two chiefs of the two villages could not decide what to do with the forest."

"You see, the forest was loaded with animals and lots of beautiful trees adorning ripe fruit. The chief of the South village wanted the forest to himself and as did the chief of New For Bagley."

"So eventually, they settled upon half half, constructing a huge wall in the middle of the forest to claim their respective side of the land."

"However, a the great famime soon hit and the south village had already hunted all the animals on their side of the forest as their village was much bigger than New Ford Bagley and hand much more people."

"The chief of the South village died and his wicked son took over. His son was not happy with the only having half the forest and wanted it all for himself."

"He tore down the wall in the forest separating the land and started killing countless of animals on New Ford Bagley's side of the forest."

"However, New Ford Bagley had a string military and drove the villagers from the south out of his side of the forest and rebuilt the wall."

"The chief of the south, once again not happy turned to dark magic as he knew that if he were to wage war against New Ford Bagley, he would surely lose."

"He turned to a pervert of a wizard who gave him a deal he could not resist. Sacrifice one young maiden to me every year and I will send a creature that lurks in the dark across the forest and to New Ford Bagley to kill the villagers."

"The creature shall only kill New Ford Bagley villagers, can only strike at night and can only kill villagers that are out and about at night."

"And thus, the wizard and the chief of the south made a deal. Just like that, The Night Dweller was given life and stalks the streets at night, looking for its next victim."

"However, the wizard was a shameful scammer and never upheld his end of the deal. Instead of only killing New Ford Bagley villagers, The Night Dweller started killing anyone it laid it's dull black eyes upon."

"And that, my dear is why you shouldn't wander out and about after dark. Or The Night Dweller might get you."

The little girl peeked out from under her duvet. "Y-You're lying, right?" She said in a small, scared voice.

The grandma let out a hearty laugh and rub ed the girls hair. "Of course. Now then, that's enough for today. Go to sleep."

She said as she got up and switched off the light before leaving.

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