You Are A Worthless Child

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Trigger warning: Child abuse, non-con touching and suicide.

This is a really disturbing chapter so read at your own risk.

"You ruined me, Y/n." Y/n's mother sat across from her in the dingy living room.

"I know." The little six year-old muttered out as she held back her tears. She couldn't cry even if she wanted to. Her black eye was too swollen to allow it.

"I was beautiful before I got pregnant." The high as a kite woman continued, weed cigarette in hand and occasionally taking small puffs and blowing it into the child's face.

"I was young, beautiful and every man's dream. Until you happened. I should've just gotten an abortion." The woman's eyes watered. Remembering her tragic past.

She looked down at the cigarette burns on her daughter's legs and her daughters beaten black and blue face.

It reminded her of herself when she was younger. She was doing exactly what her monster parents had done. The abused becomes the abuser.

She was now the new monster.

Tears came to her eyes in no time at the revelation. "You'd better grow up to be something fucking great Y/n! To amend for all the damage you've done! Don't turn out anything like me!"

She screamed with waterworks going on her face. Before suddenly all went quiet and she rested her head in her hands.

"What am I thinking?"

She slowly got up and stumbled over to the kitchen. Slowly opened the drawer and pulled out a sharp, kitchen knife.

She took one last glance at the little girl that stared at her confused.

"Mama? What are you doing? Knife dangerous." Y/n stuttered.

"Don't fucking call me that you piece of shit." Her mom held the knife against her wrist.

"You are a worthless child."


That was how Y/n ended up where she was now. Living with her biological father, Marshall, who had no choice but to take her in after her mother had killed herself.

He remarried a woman named Martha who treated Y/n like absolute shit. The same could be said for her father. Matter of fact, everyone treated Y/n like shit.

Martha had a child from a previous marriage named Kane. He was a little older than Y/n but was not any better than his mother.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.

They forced Y/n to work like a maid while they got to go out on family vacations and whatnot.

Y/n hated her life. She thought she was better off dead. Better off not being born.

She thought she was a worthless child.

"Y/n!" The girl jolted awake to her name being screamed from downstairs. She hurriedly got into her slippers and tried making her way downstairs as fast as possible with her limp from the last beating.

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