Chapter 3

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"Let's follow her."
"Just... I don't know. She seems suspicious."
"The hell. Not asking for my opinion?"
"No one cares about it anyway, Satoru."

In theirway following her, she looked like she had a lot going on. Sounded like she had an internal conflict. Well, at least she had their pity.
They followed her until they reached a huge mansion. Pardon me, but by huge, I meant colossal. She walked up to the door as if she was getting into her own house. Well, that actually was the case. If she was comfortable buying such a thing, then she should be mighty rich.
A while later, she left the building. Of course, Gojo took the opportunity to grab Shoko and Suguru's collars and grab them inside. What they found wasn't exactly what they expected. It was dark, so dark they could not make out anything but a hightly above ground ceiling and a few paintings hanging on the walls.
"Is that where she lives? She looks even richer than the Gojo clan!"
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
Right about then, they heard a noise that indicated the owner was coming back in. They totally did not want her catching them sneaking in, so they hid amidst the shadows. What they saw was, again, abnormal. Two people came in, but that wasn't the issue. They were the same. Not that they were similar in looks, vibes, nor did they look like twins. The two people looked identical, as if one person split in two. What was creepier was their voices. One voice was echoed, the other was not. The second sounded like a copy of the first.
"My lady, are you sure you can trust them?"
"Oh, come on now, dare you doubt my strength?"
The latest voice was soothing and playful, unlike the cold one they heard in the morning.
"N-no, of course not! Yet you still should keep your guard up."
"Oh? So now you feel good enough to go around giving me orders?"
"No! My lady, I-"
"Can you be any more annoying questioning my choices like that? Go in."
"...Yes, my lady."
Then, it looked like the one that was called 'my lady' absorbed the other. The observers stiffened at the sight.
"Hm? I'm quite sure I did not invite anybody. Why are there a few presences? Care to come out?"

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