10 0 0

Since Shoko, Suguru and Gojo's words stuck in their mouths, they had no choice but to leave silently, utterly confused as to how Himeko could manipulate time.

That day, Himeko made her mind: she could handle the next few years without her assistant, whose name was actually Akira. Until those three died, life'd probably be too eventful for her to ignore. She felt a notification on her brand new phone.
Hello, this is Shoko.
Save my contact?
                                 Unknown has been saved as Material_gurlll💅🏻💃.
********************* tomorrow.
Got it?

Himeko her phone off with a smile. "Let's see, should-I buy something?"
So she went to the supermarket.
With the help of one of two employees, she chose some snacks before noticing it won't stay as good overnight.
"I'll just note the brands."
             __time skippppp__
"Isn't she coming? We've been waiting for an hour."
"Welllll, I may or may not have forgotten to specify the time"
"Shoko, did you swallow a dictionnary?"

"Oh, she's here. I'll get it."

"Ooh. Seems like you gave me the right adress after all. Totally didn't break a sweat over going around the neighbourhood."
"Why would I not- you know what, nevermind. Come in."

"Soooooooooo now that we're all here, we should begin with *drum* Truth or dare!", said Satoru.
"Sure, I don't see why not. Who'll spin the bottle first?"
"What? Someone should spin the bottle to choose who goes first. Then the chosen chooses, and when the chosen (2) does the dare, they choose, and so on... no?"
"Okay, let's go with that."
Thal bottle spun for awhile (due to the Spinning of an excited Satoru) and landed on Suguru.Him and Shoko eyed eachother, then Suguru nodded.
'I'll choose Himeko"
"Of course you do."
"Truth or dare?"
"Dare. If you give me anything like that, you'll end a pancake stuck on that wall."
Sigure gulped nervously.
"No, it's not... that way. I dare you...
to take a bath with Satoru"
"What the fuck no."
Himeko side-eyed the man-child.
"Do you want me to yeet you out that window?"
"Oh come on are you a coward?" Shoko intervened.
"Go Fuck yourself. I ain't doing no shit with a child."
"'It's true. Also, he's younger than me by thousands of years. It's as if you're asking me to fuck my descendant, like what is wrong with you?"
"No, you seem to be his age, at least your mentality does. Why don't you ask that... girl in your body?"
"Absolutely fucking not."
"What are you scared of? Come on~"
Himeko let out a painful sigh. She paused for a second, then flushed a deep red
"S-stil, it's still no."
"So how old're you?"
"I'm a thousand years old and there's no changing that! For you to suggest such vile stuff- That shit's not my style!"
"Calm down. Did we say anyling bad? Just a bath isn't it? Nothing serious at all! See?"
"The forfeit is that you'll bathe with all of as in a hot spring."
"So, you want that instead?"
"Fine, I'll do the dare. You have fun with eachother, I got matters to attend to. Cya."
"Shit. We got her angry."
" AnYwAy."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2023 ⏰

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