Mall Trip: Corey x Joey

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Corey's POV

Joey walks in, looking innocent, and stands in front of me. "Can I help you?" I asked. He smiled and looked down. "Well..y'know we haven't got out ina while.." He said. "Mhm. What about it?" He kept smiling as he replied. "We should go to the mall to get out!" He cheered.

I gave him a look. "What? We should! I need some new clothes anyway." He shrugged. I sighed. "Fine." I replied, rolling my eyes. He smiled widely and drug me out of the room and outside. "Shouldn't I get changed?" I ask. "Nope! We gotta get out there!" He exclaimed.

I sighed and just let him do this thing, as usual. We got in the car and he starting driving. "So, what are we getting?" I asked. He groaned. "You always ask this! We don't have a game plan! We're just going to get stuff!" He said. 

I shook my head. "Do you at least know what stores we're gonna go into?" He nodded. "Hot Topic, Spencer's.." I cut him off by making a remark. "God we're going into the emo stores?" 

He growled. "Shut.Up." I laughed and put my hand on this thigh. "I'm just playin' doll, you know that." I said with a smile. He rolled his eyes and pouted. "Whatever." He replied, putting his hand on mine. 

He smiled when we got to the mall. "We're here c'mon!" He said, already out of the car before I could even get my seatbelt off. "Ok ok, calm down. Christ.." I mumbled, getting out of the car. I followed him into the mall and he grabbed my hand. "Let's go to Hot Topic first!" He cheered. "Alright.." I muttered.

He dragged me inside the Hot Topic and towards the back where there were a bunch of band pictures on the wall. "Ok so I think I need a new Misfits shirt.." "Why? You'll just go and steal mine anyway." I hissed. He turned around and gave me a look. "What? You know it's true." He rolled his eyes and looked through the Misfits shirts until he found one that he liked.

"Ok, now, I think I need more Cannibal Corpse shirts.." He muttered. "Do you?" I gave him a look. He glared back at me. "Yes. I do." I raised my hands in defense. "Ok ok, calm your tits." He rolled his eyes and started picking through the Cannibal Corpse shirts. He picked out a Butchered at Birth, Tomb of the Mutilated and a Violence Unimagined shirt. 

He started mumbling a bunch of random shit about the shirts that I didn't pay much attention to. I kinda zoned out and when I zoned back in, he was gone. I blinked and looked around, seeing him by the Tripp pants. I hopped over to him. 

"What are you getting now?" I asked. "Tripp pants!" He cheered. I smiled. He was adorable.. "I'm probably gonna get some accessories after too, mainly chokers. Maybe I'll get a new pair of fishnets.." He mumbled. "They got rings here?" I asked. He pointed to a section near the back. "I'll be right back hun." 

I walked over to the ring section and starts picking through them. I ended up picking out a couple gothic rings that I thought were nice. I walked back over Joey as he was walking towards the accessories. He started picking out different accessories silently as I watched in amusement. He picked out a pair of fishnets, chokers, and leg garters. 

"Those are nice." I said smiling, referring to the leg garters. He smiled back at me. "That's why I'm getting them." He replied. I chuckled. "Alright smartass, you done in here?" He nodded. "Yep!! Oh, can we also stop and get me some Monsters..? Pleaseee..?" I snickered and shook my head. "Oh of course love, we can." He smiled wide as his eyes sparkled. "Thank you!!!" He smiled and hugged me. I laughed and hugged back tightly.

I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "This is so gay y'know." He smiled and nodded. "We do this everyday, I'm aware, but that doesn't matter. Cmon, I wanna pay and go get my Monsters!" "We outta here after?" "Hell no we're not! We gotta go to Spencer's after, then I wanna go into forever 21." I smiled. "Of course."

"What!? I like shopping!" He replied smiling. "Oh I know, known for years." I said, dragging him to the check out. He laughed and put all the things up on the counter. It all rang up to $266.94. He started to pull out his wallet, but I stopped him. "I got it." I smile and pay for it. He smiled lovingly and blushed slightly. "Thanks.." He whispered. "Of course!" The cashier put everything into a bag and I carried it as we walked out.

"So where might we acquire these valuable monsters?" I said in the most English, fancy accent I could. "There's a vending machine around this counter! I wanna get...7 of them." He replied as he smiled. "7!? Do you really need 7 babe?" I smile, still amused. "Yes! For everyday of the week!" I continued smiling as I shook my head. "Alright love, whatever you want."

He hopped over to the vending machine and put in around 19 dollars and got an Ultra Strawberry Dreams, Mango Loco, Ultra Paradise, Khaotic, Orange Dreamsicle, Ultra Rosa, and Ultra Violet. He smiled as he put them into the bags I was holding, except for one which he opened and started sipping; it was the Ultra Strawberry Dreams.

"I love this flavor.." He said. "I can tell." I replied, smirking. He turned around and smirked back at me. "Shush." I chuckled and continued walking. We entered Spencer's and started walking around. "Hey babe, we should go to the back." He smirked. I tilted my head. "Whys that?" "You'll see.." He lead me to the back of Spencer's. I almost immediately stopped. I shut my eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose.

"Babe..what the fuck.." He laughed. "What's wrong? Just some titties and dicks.." He continued to laugh. My brows furrowed in confusion as I picked up a penis toothbrush. "Who in hell..?" I shook my head as Joey laughed his ass off.

"You're terrible babe.." I smiled at him and put the toothbrush back. "I wanna..I wanna get the fucking—" He starts laughing harder as he picked up a box with a "creature cock" dildo. "No. No babe I refuse to walk out of the store with you checking out with that. That's fucking horrendous." He laughs even harder. "I want it!!" "You're gonna use that!?!" I exclaimed.

He shook his head. "N-No! No's fucking funny!" "No it's not! That's weird!!" I said. "I'm buying it!" I shook my head again. "I'm not walking out with you. I refuse to." He laughs. "Fine! But I'm getting this. Imma show Chris this and he's gonna have a ball.." He giggled. "Oh my god.." I muttered. "Is this seriously the only reason you came in here?" "No, I actually wanted stuff.." He giggled again.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright whatever, get whatcha want. Im gonna go see if I want anything, k?" I kissed the top of his head. "K!" He smiled. I walked away and started looking around. 

We met up after about 6 minutes. I had picked out a IT shirt, some Ghost Face shirts, and some Nightmare on Elm Street shirts. I looked in his hand and tilted my head. "Are those handcuf-" "Yea shut up about it. I wanted it." He looked deadass about it. I blinked. "Ok..? And the collar?" "It's a choker! Shut up..!" He blushed. I raised my hands in defense. "Alright alright, but I'm paying first so I don't walk out with you, no offense." 

He rolled his eyes. "Yea's just a dildo you prude." I gave him a look. "I am the farthest thing from a prude and you know it. And that's a fucking..whatever the hell kinda dildo that is." I rolled my eyes and starting paying for my things. "Whatev hun." I paid for my stuff and waited outside for Joey.

He walked outside after about 2 minutes. "Are we done? Are we still going to Forever 21?" I asked. "Nah, I'm tired.." He moaned. I smiled. "Alright babe, let's go." I started walking as Joey followed behind. "Carry me.." He ordered. "Hell no." "Please..?" "Not happening." He groaned. "But babeee!" I smiled. "You know you do this every time right? Moaning and groaning and asking to be carried just like a little baby.." I made a pouty face to fuck with him.

He growled. "Shut up!! I do not!!" "Ohh yes you do~" He whined and fell silent. I smirked and continued walking until we were in the parking lot. "So, I had fun, what about you?" I smiled. "I had fun! I got a bunch of new stuff so I'm happy." He smiled back. "Good, I'm glad." I kissed the top of his head. He blushed and smiled lovingly.

"Thanks for coming with me baby..I really appreciate it." "Of course love." I opened the trunk and put everything in the back. He did the same and then got into the passenger seat. I got into the drivers seat and drove off, putting my hand on his thigh.

Sorry that's long, this has been in my drafts since I left for a while. And sorry if the end was weird, I didn't know how to end it-

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